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My Favorite Movies, I went over 50....oops

O.K., I've been thinking about this for a couple of days now. Here is my list, I'm sure I've left out a few, well probably more than a few. These are in no particular order.   1- Steel Magnolias 2- Forrest Gump 3- Face Off 4- GoodFella's 5- The God Father 6- God Father 2 7- Pulp Fiction 8- Michael 9- Phenomenon 10- Saturday Night Fever (I'm noticing a John Travolta pattern here!!!) 11- Rocky 12- E.T. 13- The Poseidon Adventure 14- The Deer Hunter 1



Look at me, I'm posting!!

I finally made my first posts today. Not bad, I only joined in October. I guess my daughter, Alixandrea, gave me the urge to start. Speaking of Alixandrea, she is an amazing person. She has touched my heart in ways nobody else has. She is a true optimist, who really and truly see's the silver lining on every cloud. The last months have been extremely difficult. First Vinny with the stroke, and then 7 weeks later loosing her Grandfather.She kept her grades up and even joined the swim team. She is



Close to home now.

The days and weeks after the stroke went by so slowly. At least Vinny was close to home now. I had spent a week at my in laws in Manhatten with my father in law, while my mother in law stayed at our house with our kids. My God, did I miss them. My heart broke for them. Not only was their Dad in the hospital, but now their Mom was not there too. I spoke to them so many times a day, but it was not the same. I longed for them to be with me, with us. But I could not put them through that. The day fi




Where does the time go? Why is it, that I started this journal of mine and never have time to write? Sure, I pop on every so often to read the new posts, but never have time to read as much as I want, or write anything. I think it's time to make some time for myself. I love to say that!! I know I'll never do it, but I love to say it! I'll do it when the time is right. Now is just not the time.



The stroke

September 15, 2004. Vinny was driving, he was all alone. He was walking back to his car when he had the most incredible pain in his head. He sat there for a while until the "headache" eased up a little. Then he started the car and started driving. Out of nowhere he couldn't move his entire right side, his vision was blurred, he was confused, and he saw a school bus stop full of kids. Thank God he still had enough of his thinking to pull over and hit a parked car. "it was either hit the car or ki

