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happy valentines day to everyone/ and update

i just wanted to wish everyone a happy valentines day. and to thankyou for your comments on my previous entry about my nephew. as i may have mentioned before. chris's memorial service was on monday at cowboy stadium with over 7000,00 people attending. his wife taya gave a beautiful speech about chris. then tuesday was the procession to austin for his burial with his seals and patriot guard riders/freedom riders in the lead. the welcome they got along the 4 hour ride was the same as chad g



my nephew

well, i have posted on the board about the terrible loss my family has endured this past week, so i won't go into it again. i just want to know, how do i deal with the hatred and bitterness i feel towards the guy who murdered 2 wonderful men. i know he was mentally ill, but to me right now, it makes no difference. i guess i feel like the families in the 911 attack. so many were murdered and the families who lost a loved one had to feel some bitterness. i know bad things happen to good pe



a very long time

hello everyone, i know its been like forever since i last blogged, but it knew it would be a lengthly one and i kept putting it off. i'm not even sure where to start. my youngest son and i are not very happy here in tx. unbeknowst to us, my older son marc has a severe drug problem, which makes our lives a living hell. he yells and loses his temper all the time. he won't or is afraid to get off of them. he had a severe car accident a few years ago and injured his back, which is when he got




i know many survivors have had this happen to them after a stroke. i try to be so careful when i am home alone. i am tired of these falls, not that i've had dozens of them but i have had my share. most recently was last week. i was sitting in my recliner and leaned to my left(affected side to pick up something off of the floor. as soon as i felt myself coming off of the chair, i swung my good arm back to try and grab something to keep me upright, nothing there i could grab quick enough




you know, the thing i hate about this stroke, is the fact that i cannot be the grammie i wanted to be, i cannot swoop my grandkids up in my arms and love and kiss on them, nor get on the floor to play with them. they are starting to get used to me now, jake calls me to come over. i struggle with the energy to just keep up with them.evan is a daddy's boy and somewhat shy but always has a smile on his face to give me. i still have to use a cane to walk, so running after them to play, i cannot do



damn its hot here

ok who turned on the heat, i'm dying here. our rental home's ac is not working correctly, so the landlord(my brother in law) is trying to fix it today, a compressor issue i'm told which is under warranty. patience doesn't always come easy to me but i'm trying. today is shower day with my lady from home health and that will cool me off i hope. the ac blower in car went out too but my son matthew fixed that for us. since my stroke, my body cannot handle heat well at all, i get to hot, then th



almost a year to the day, since i last blogged

hello again everyone. this past year was a terrible one for me and my family. my husbands business was failing after 30 years due to the economy. which meant no income from him. our house ended up in foreclosure because the bank wouldn't work with us,,millions of others were caught up in the same re-financing scams out there. we hired an attorney to help us, to continue with the case, he wanted more money, which we didn't have, so we had to be out by 12-6,2010. my hubby (andy) was under s




i didn't think its been that long since i blogged, but the screen don't lie. its been busy around here at times. we have been thinking of packing up and moving back to texas, our home. work here for my hubby is pretty much non-existent. our housing situation isn't much better. we have been fighting our bank for over a year and the attorney isn't getting anywhere either. i think its just time to walk away and move on. the economy is terrible everywhere. all of our family is back in texa



life lately with christmas coming

:wreath: yes the season is upon us and before we know it the day is gone and we reflect back on the chaos it took us to get to that point. well those days i no longer miss, it caused to much stress. although i did enjoy decorating for it. we got out our little tree today and i do mean little and thats ok. i'm just not into getting the big tree out and doing all that decorating. so we will put a few ornaments on the little tree maybe a few lights and i'll be happy with that. i have compl



update on puppy

hello again, its time i updated about our new addition to the household. just let me start off my saying she is adorable, we have decided on mya, as her name. she is 3weeks old now. eyes open, walking around and loves to lick your face. she looks more like daddy everyday and daddy is goo-goo over her, he licks her face when he gets to see her and listens for her crys when mama is out of the box. he goes to check on her, then wherever mama is she comes flying out to check on her daughter,



gypsy's surprise

well folks, gypsy started acting funny last friday, she was all over the house, really uncomfortable and whining, it was nearing her 60th day, so we watched her all weekend and then the nesting started everywhere, she was whining alot and i was coming unglued seeing her like this, so monday am off to the vet again, exam and xrays showed no pups. its a false pregnancy, they will go through all of the stages as a real pregnant dog does, she had morning sickness, breasts getting better and ne



a grandmother again

hello everyone, i got good news this morning, i am a new grammie. the baby was born this morning and mother and baby are doing well. the baby retained some fluid in his lungs so they are addressing that issue right now by placing a tube in his lungs. seems he is following in his big brothers footsteps with the lung issue. there is no infection. he weighed 6.7lbs and has alot of hair. he was going to be delivered on friday anyway he would have been 36 weeks that day. the mother tiffany's



gypsy the harlot

hi folks, as the title says, my little gypsy girl is in heat for the 1st time since bringing her home with me from my vacation trip. as many of you know i am a huge animal lover of all kinds. mostly in my life i have had male dogs, not females. so i've not been privy to this ritual. in alot of animal species it is the males that do their mating dance to attract the females, and the females will put put out alot of resistance, until they are ready, but not with my gypsy girl. she can rival t



i'm back

yes i know i am long overdue for my next entry. i returned on june 20th. in a happy and sad frame of mind. i didn't want to leave amd marc didn't want me to either, a lot tears from both of us as we said our goodbyes. the happiness came from me bringing one of his dogs back with us. they have to many dogs as it is and with a new baby coming, we thought it was best marc knew i would give her a good home, we already had one of his dogs maddy that this dog and maddy used to play together.



my vacation

hello strokenet people. i am just blogging to share my excitement. i am finally going to see my grandson jake. next monday my youngest son and i are flying To my home town of forth worth texas, for some RnR, ha, you say with a grandson rest and relaxation, i don't think so. but that's where mom n dad come in, its their turn, lol. i just want to hold,kiss and hug him to death. and i found out mom is pregnant again. jake is 7months old this month. OMG they have no idea what they r in for.



things looking up

hello folks, just an update on my woe's. my dad is home and doing quite well. he is walking alot more instead of sitting in his comfy chair and vegetating. all 3 of us kids have told him to move more. he needs to be more active. he lives in a assisted living complex and he is happy. i am so grateful for his recovery and thankyou all for the prayers. my son marc seems to be doing as well as to be expected. he still has back pain but he deals with it, baby jake is doing great, getting bi



black cloud again

hello everyone, its been awhile since i blogged. it seems more bad things seem to find their way to me, since my last blog, i have been worried about my dad's health. hes had a total knee replacement, which he came through just fine. then pneumonia because of the stupid nursing home and dr he had didn't watch him close enough. hes been in the hospital now for over a month, hopefully to go home soon. my brother thank god has been taking care of things for him. while hes been working, la



update on baby jake

hello fellow bloggers, sorry i have been slow with my update on little jake. yes my grandson, jacob edmund anderson was born on 11-10-08, coming in at 8.5lbs and 21 inches long. he developed pneumonia not long after his birth, then placed in NICU for a week or two. he was pumped full of fluids, antibiotics and oxygen and pain meds to keep him quiet and comfortable. momma and daddy were able to see him certain times of the day, contact was kept to a minimum to keep him quiet, but he got to



my life lately

hello everyone, many moons have passed since my last entry. i just forget alot of the time, i wonder why,LOL. i will be a granny in about a week now, i cannot wait, i have waited a long time for this baby to be part of my life. my sister has 3 already, so i have been jealous of her, since her first one came. i had the 1st grandchild for my parents at a very early age. now she had the 1st great grand baby for our family. which is fine. we both love babies. and her babies are precious



just an update

hi everyone, i know its been awhile since i blogged, but time gets away from me more it seems these days. i have my days fairly busy it seems with my volunteer work, answering emails and chatting with my friends. now the Olympics are on. and i find myself glued to the tv. i am so proud of our athletes and how well they are doing. they work so hard and give up so much to get to where they are. i find myself comparing survivors to the athletes. in how hard we have to work to get where we



just an update

well life does go on, painfully at times. my son got served with divorce papers, he kinda expected that due to the fact that tonya was cheating on him with a father of one of her students, she lost her summer teaching job because the wife of this other man went up to the school and told them what was going on. hooray for her. she is going to lose her career if she doesn't watch out, but thats not our problem anymore. i am just having a hard time understanding this sweet girl, or i thought s



another sad and happy event

well folks, another appearance of the black cloud over my family. i have put off blogging about this for awhile now. but i have good news and bad news. good news is my oldest son marc that was suppose to be moving back here, just found out he is going to be a DADDY, come november, so i will be a grandmother, woohoo. his girlfriend and marc had been trying for along time the doctor told her her tubes were completely blocked and probably would never get pregnant. just shows you doctors aren



bittersweet day

today is a sad day for me but a happy one for my dad. he has decided to move from our family farm, 7miles out in the country into an independent living facility in town, where alot of his farming buddies are at and other lifelong friends. he was born and lived most of his life there. he is 82 and in good health. he has been alone since my mom died 3years ago. this is a good thing for him, i know that and am happy for him. all of us kids agree this is best for him. he didn't want to be i



i am adjusting

well, i am adjusting to not having help any longer. i have decided to hold off looking for anyone for now. my hubby's business has been real slow, so money is tight right now. so the money i was paying out for the helper, i can now save to help out more with the monthly home expenses to ease hubby's worries for now. i am now doing more for myself, still need some help with a few things. i can do dishes, laundry and some house cleanng, without help. cook alittle, all with critters under



dissapointments lately

well, the past few weeks, have been full of disappointments, i had my CT ANGIOGRAM of my head and neck and got my results, which i guess are ok, would have liked it being better. my main cerebral artery in my brain is open alittle more but very narrow, it was closed at the time of my stroke. so i guess that is better. but i was diagnosed with FMD(fibro muscular dysplasia) at the time of my stroke. drs recommendations was to continue my present therapy of blood thinners and a reduction

