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Surviving Stroke

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Been a year and stroke free.. but that isn't the worst of it

Hi to all of you!   I have not been around much this past year.. but coming here sometimes makes me feel sad .. so I stayed away for a while.. today I felt I should come here and reunite with some of you and meet some of the newbies.   I visited with my dr for my 6 month check up and he said I am remarkable. That made me feel good! I am doing better than anyone expected. (As far as stroke goes)   On December 11th of 2008 I suffered a heart attack. I had 100% blockage to my right coron

Billie Jo

Billie Jo

Almost a year..

Hello dear friends at Strokenet   Well.. it is getting closer to the anniversary of my first stroke. It all happend on March 20, 2007.. now some of you might wonder why I would celebrate such an occasion.. well.. I have thought long and hard about this.. and I feel that I am due for a big party as a survivor So.. on March 20th I plan to do something in honor of my survival.   Jeff (my hubby) and I are leaving tomorrow for the weekend to Deadwood, SD with a few of our friends. I so can't

Billie Jo

Billie Jo

Happy Valentines Day Everyone :)

Howdy folks!   I am doing GREAT   Today is Valentines Day and I am so excited. hehe. I just know that the hubby has something planned for supper.. haha I know it will involve a nice juicy t-bone steak too hehe.   He is so good to me   Our daughter's dance team made it to the state competition. We are going to St. Paul tomorrow to watch them perform. I hope they do well! They have had a GREAT year   Well.. better get my fancy eatin clothes on.. haha   Everyone have a GREAT V

Billie Jo

Billie Jo

I have not been ignoring you all.. just a little absent lately

Hello Everyone,   Sorry I have been absent lately.. well for a long while.. anyway.. I hope everyone had a GREAT Christmas and a Happy New Year.   I have had another TIA on December 18th on our way home from Branson Missouri. It affected my left side again.. and I still have numbness in my left hand and mostly in my left foot around the big toe. But I have bounced back from the other strokes and have no doubt I will bounce back from this one.   I am now on coumadin so that should help

Billie Jo

Billie Jo

Hey Everyone!

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! It was a quiet one here. I made all the usual fixins! The kids were here and we had a good time!   Sorry I have been absent lately.. I try to keep busy enough with life that it doesn't always allow time here. Sigh..   My Mom's companion is dying of cancer. He is not doing very well.. I go to her house a lot to help her with feelings and other things. She is my rock! I don't know what I would do without her!   The kids are all excited for their birt

Billie Jo

Billie Jo

feeling pretty good today! WOO HOO

Hi all!   Today is one of "those" days where here I sit.. all alone. But I am not too stressed about it. I have this great strokenet board to keep me company!   Anyway, I walked around the farm today and my back started to hurt so gave that up LOL   Called a girl friend to see if she wanted to do something. She said yes! WOO HOO so now I am waiting for her to call back so we can go out.   The combining is all done on the farm but the hubby is busy doing stalk chopping and won't be h

Billie Jo

Billie Jo

Feeling pretty good tonight!

Hi all! I just had to update you on what is new to me.. Went to the psychiatrist Thursday.. he said I was doing a little better. (and I guess I am LOL) I have my moments of anxst but am doing better to control it. He did up my Lexapro to 20MG instead of 10MG. I am not sure if it helps yet or not.. he said it could take a couple weeks to see. Anyway.. I got to spend a week with my mom in south dakota and we had a blast I always enjoy my trips to her house! Hubby is almost done combining

Billie Jo

Billie Jo

Feeling lonely today..

Hi Everyone! today is a funny (strange) day. I got up early and went with my hubby to take his mom to a plastic surgeon. She had a cancer removed from her upper lip and wants reconstructive surgery done. The trip took 7 hours. Now that I am home and alone.. doing some laundry.. I feel so lonely. I have moods like this almost daily. I don't know what to do about it.   Ugh.. maybe I need a nap.. but I don't want to be up half the night either... so.. don't know. thought I would come her

Billie Jo

Billie Jo

Anti-coagulate Lupus - ugh...

Well, after seeing the blood doctor on Monday this week... he claimed the reason for my strokes were possibly due to a condition called Anti-Coagulate Lupus. It isn't like the lupus we think of a rash... not at all. It is that my blood is thick and clots. So, they put me on 2 Aggronox a day and have me on a strict diet of nothing more than chicklets and dust! haha not really... but about as bad. They want my cholestorol levels to be below 100! So.. that means very little meat and lots of raw veg

Billie Jo

Billie Jo

Before my Ischemic Stroke

hi all my new friends. Before my stroke, I was a up and coming web designer and graphic artist. I am married 25 years and we have 2 great kids. They were adopted as babies from S. Korea and are now 19 and 14. We are so proud of them.   I had suffered from horrid dizzy spells and severe headaches for about a year before my Ischemic Stroke on March 20, 2007. The Dr I saw for the spells and headaches claimed it was an inner ear infection and it might go away.. or it might not.. well almost a

Billie Jo

Billie Jo