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Catching up

Winter - finally arrived! I think we've had 3 or 4 little 'dustings' in the last few months, but today it DUMPED. I hate snow. It's pretty, but that's its only nice thing. It makes roads slick and driving dangerous, and that's AFTER you spend 15 minutes scraping all that white junk off the car (unless you have a garage, which I obviously don't). Why couldn't it have stayed as rain, like last night and this morning? Not that it's any better, as there were LAKES on the freeway. Not puddles... no,



Yoda is a nincompoop!

So...wide awake, in the middle of the night...again! It seems that no matter when I go to bed, 9 P.M., Midnight, 2 A.M., I always end up awake around 3 A.M.! I probably shouldn't get up, but after laying there bored out of my skull, I figure I gotta do something productive.   Anyhoo...here's my opinion on the subject of attempts and efforts in life.     "Do or do not. There is no try" - Yoda I totally disagree. For example, climbing a mountain. If you go halfway up, that's trying! So yo



Aminal adventures

(yes, I spelled that wrong, on purpose. I's a silly girl!)   I went to the kitchen to get a snack. All the lights were out, except from my bedroom, so things along the way were just highlighted. Near the patio door, there's some stuff from when I went shopping that I haven't put away yet. I saw a couple of little lights near the floor, thinking it was just reflections off the water bottles. And then they moved! :yikes: The foster cat, who's black, was laying on the black 'runner' rug by t



Parking pet peeves

I really wanted to do a happy post this time, to counter-act my last grumpy one. Oh well.   Yanno what I don't understand... seeing fancy cars in handicapped parking. I've seen Corvettes, Mustangs (old and new) vintage cars, BMW, Mercedes, Jaguars, brand new models, etc. Don't these people have medical bills? Because I sure do! $9,000 and counting! My husband said once, that "maybe they're gifts from friends or family members". Gee, I wish MY friends and family were that nice and generous!  




Trapped   Feh! I'm hyper, and want to go DO something. But I can't... not because it's 2 A.M., but because my body is pitiful. I've always said there's a difference between "tired" and "sleepy". Physically, I don't even want to be sitting up and typing. So I laid down, figuring I'd get some rest. Suuuure I would. My mind is racing with anything and everything. What I'm going to do tomorrow (er...later today?). What I could do next week...next month. Ideas for my stories, and artwork. Mental



I'm so lazy...

I really want some cheesecake... but not bad enough to get dressed and go buy milk (which I need to anyway, I'll be all out tomorrow!), and then mix it up, and then wait 2 hours for it to set! LOL I'll just suffer.   Finally thought of something I could write about! Some people think I'm weird and crazy, but... I like staying in the hospital. Except for paying the bill afterward, it's not so bad! Here's my reasoning: You don't have to cook meals. You don't have to wash dishes after meals.



First time for everything

I never understood that phrase. How could you get to the second time, if there's no first? Or if things never happen, then there's no first, either! *mind explodes* LOL   Well... now what? I never know what to write in these things. The story of my stroke can be found on my website, and I really don't want to type it all over again - I'm so lazy!   Maybe I'll think of something decent later. Too distracted with the chat room (which is very nifty!), and I should be taking a nap before work

