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hi there just to let you know still want you to keep on tring

well, as you know itshalloween . time for a lot of trick or treat, and not only that but time to start on your schedule to get better and to work harder remember it never stop as long as you keep at it weither it be walking, or just exercise, as the nike slogan goes just do it . I'm rooting for you don"t give up just keep on keeping on just do whatever you are comfortable doing , for me it is walking still walklots not running as yet but I am sure it will just take time it is all about positive



aloha everybodys

Well i just got back from my vacation i went on a cruise the princess cruise ship , the star princess. We went to hawaii, we went with my wife and my daughter and my grandson. I posted pictures of our trip on facebook , i had a great time i have never been to hawaii and none of us have so it was alot of fun. I took my scooter with me and i notice that alot of people did i was able to walk. I had to get into the tender it was very scary as the boat was rocking. We rented a car and we went to



good news!!!!

Well as you know i had an ischemic stroke left side and of coarse because it was left sidestroke i had what was called a vienal occlusion, in other wise i couldn"t see out of my left eye and so i thought that i would be permantly blind. However the good news is that after seeing an eye specialist i found out that in fact i have cateracts so i am scheduled to have cateract surgery done on me march 17th and i was told that the surgery that i will have will give me phrepial vision in my left eye.



if you live in CANADA,its time for a party party!!!!

OH YES IT IS TIME FOR A PARTY P[ARTY :yay: THATS RIGHT CANADIAN FLG IS FLYING HIGH , EVERYWHERE YOU GO,ON THE ROOF, ON THE FLAG POLES, AND A BIG PARADE WITH FIREWORKS :Explode: AT THE CLOVERDALE RODEO, AND THEN THE STEVESSTON BARBque SALMONS , AND THEN MY FAVORITE EVENT THE NANIMO BATHTUB RACES if you like to party , party, then this is the place to be, Canada day is my favorite day a whole lotta fun at the steveston salmon fest with lots of sockeye salmon to eat , on the barbque, and since it



have you heard the news??? its summertime, and time to go for a walk

well its that time again ?that's right time to dust off your walking shoes. the sun is shining , its hot outside, and you have made it through another season , so get going enjoy your life . if youcan go for a walk? by all means go for a walk . get outside , and meet the people outside your house, just remember whatever you are able to do it , please do it . not for my sake but for you!!!!! just want you to know that it is a very nice weather here in Vancouver, so I am out and about going for a



yes i had a stroke, but i am alive, and will take this opertunity to get even better

well just wanted to let you know that , I had a stroke, but I am alive, and I want to hope that if youto had a stroke as well, then , like me, you have been given a second chance!!!!! a chance to get better , and stronger, so please , don"t give up, take this opertunity, to do all that you can to enhance your life, to learn how best to cope with your new life, yes it will be different, but you can go to work to make this life the life that we have all been given, to make this life work best for



take me out to the ballgame my birthday wish!!!!

oh boy!!! imagine my surprise on my birthday december27th I had my birthday party, and I was told by my wife, and my caregiver, that she is invited some of my friends to celibrate my birthday, so I had a birthday party, about 14 good friends was here to help me to bring in my 65years old birthday party !!!!! and it was fun they was food , and drinks, and of course gifts, but themost important gifts for me which is why I am bloging about the birthday gift frommy lovely wife and always caring carg




well, here it is, its a new year , time for making a new year resolutions, however, lets make this new year resolutions something very , very, special. not your normal want to lose weight , or to quit smoking. lets make a new year resolution as a stroke surviver, for instance , I promise to not beat on myselfand blame me for anything to do if I can"t seem to do it right, and I will try to always be positive about my journey of recovery, and finally I will try as my new year resolutions to not ge



oh boy!!! its CHRISTMAS time , lots of cheer

oh wow!!!! do you feel the spirit of CHRISTMAS? I know I do, and its every where you look . we just had a Christmas lunch at the stroke club. lots of food , and fun, and even some gifts. and just everywhere you look . Lots of smiles, and lots of good wishes from all the members, and then lots of Christmas decorations, and of coarse a whole lotta cheer. We have so many things to be thankful for, like a wonderful family, and lots of happy times , during this holiday season and of coarse this blog



well winters hereso if you walk, be very careful, and exersice safe

well unfortunately , we have to face the cold and very icy conditions, of winter. so just be very , very careful PLEASE, as you know you could slip on the ice. so what I am doing to ensure that I will continue to get my twice a day walk , in so I don"t have to worry about slipping and falling on ice , or snow, I am now going for a walk, in the mall. yes because of Christmas it is very busy that's for sure , but I would much rather face the crowds then break a hip, and the positive of being in th



look for any change in movement and celibrate

recovery from a stroke, can be a very slow, process, however never give up. on getting more movement. it will happen. but a lot of times when it does happen, you are not aware, but it will get easy for you. you may find that you can do more while you dress, or even while showering , or even in your thinking, maybe things will get more clearly for you, or even maybe you find that life is a lot more enjoyable, recovery can be very slow, and almost imperseptable, but it is happening. if you write i



inch wormso you better write it down

just a little blog or two to convince you to not give up at recovery it is very very slow at recoverybut it does happen but not only that but of coarse your memory is affected as well short term memory so my advice to you is to write it down if you are having difficulties doing some thing write it down and the date and after it gets easier or that you find that you can even do it write it down and the datethat way you will remember just how far you have come because it truely is an inch worm but



now and then what can i expect now?

well on march 19th 2001 i had a stroke it was an ischemic stroke i spent in the hospital in vancouver for 7 mounths when i was sent home i couldn"t walk i went in a wheel chair and i couldn"t even ssit up witjout leaning and i had so munch tone i couldn"t even put on my on shoes so to eliminate the problem that i had i just wear myshoes to bed . my wife/caregiver use to have to dress me and shower i was absolutly unable to do any thing for myself i didn"t go away munch at all had a hard time le



itry to be nice but enough already

well as you know the telemarketercan be very anoyingand they don"t seem to unferstand the word noso i have decided that the only way to deal with the telimarketer that is selling cellphones and problem with a computer or to make sure i get the best deal by going to a different server, and rather than to argue the point i just hang up if you try to be nice and say no thanks they tend to go on and on and i know that it is probably a scam a scam to get all the information that they can get from you



recovery is slowlike the turtlebut its coming just pat attention

hi there this is just a friendly reminder on stroke recovery and just how slow recovery can be , like the turtle it is coming but not swift like the gazel but slow kinda like plodding along like the turtle but come it does but you need adiary to catch the blur , but i must tell you what happen to me that i notice and you must remember i have been 10 tears recovery and still i use to have to wait in order to put my bathmat down on thefloor because i just couldn "t reach that far down to put it o



left side stroke, what i try to do

well as you all know i had a stroke and it was a left side stroke so my right hand and leg works perfectly so that is why i am blogging it is to let you know that what i try to do is copy all the time every chance that i get weither it be walking or to use my arm. i notice that the drop foot syndrum seems to be very common to stroke survivers so when i walk i really pay attention to my gate and what my right foot is doing no drop foot and so my right foot stays on the ground for a longer time th



happy new year every one

i hope that all of you will have a very prosperios new year :cocktail: :cocktail: and i hope for you that the year2012is a munch better year :I-Agree: andi even have a new year resolutions and that is to try to lay off the sweet stuff and to lose weight and to staert to walk even more well just to let you know what we are doing for new year eve me and my wife are going to a very good friends of mine over to the home and then we are having a fondue party with cheese fondu and wine and then beca



your journey of recovery, the long and bumpy road

Well as you know from my post i always greet you by saying all the best to you in your journey of recovery i always use it as a metaphor to explain the fact that it is always so long as you go through recovery it does in fact become a journey and no two journey is alike except that it is a long journey some with less bumps but none the lessalways a lot longer than we would like. But in your journey it is always about your goal and what you would like to accomplish in your recover from your strok



what i learned at physio, exercise the parilized arm

well if its wednesday i just got back from physiotherapy and i have learned how to exercize the parilized arm , well first of all in orsder to get a good streach with your parilised arm where all the muscles seem to be my physiotherapy had me sit down and take eiter a broom, or a caneand place the broom handle or your cane handle while sitting don or if you have it a hockey stick and while holding the broom or the cand in your good arm and put the hanle under your hand and with thegoodarm start



oh boy christian birthday, time to shop

well we just had my grandson christian 6yearold birthday party and wow what a fun birthday party wit lots of kids all playing video games laser tags you nameit and the kids was playing i wasn"t playing though i was watching and the fun never stop nor did the kids energy leveel where do they get the energy?any way my wife and i did found out what christian really wanted for his birthday as you know for christian birthday he got his first bicycle well he has since graduated fom what little 6year o




well members just to let you know that i am always looking ways to find new goals to keep me active and t5o help in my recovery well you know that i am now walking twice a day however it was only take me 10 minutes to walk twice and i was thiinking what should i do to keep me busy for the day so i decided to increase my walk so now i did just that now when i go for a wallk i want to get better at endurance so now i walk only once now but i added more distance now when i walk what use to take me




hi there well i just wanted to let you know that if you like reading i have found a great book to read it is called the biology of belief written by bruch h. upton it"s not a very big or think book but it is filled with aloyt of tchnical all about your brain and your cellsa great read and another one is calledthe brain that change itself so you can read for yourself about how your brain is able to repair itself and how your brain is not plasticity at all i just got that book from the library it




well i have been trying a new goal for myself and my arm is starting to come not very funtional but munch better now and here is what i am doing to try to get my brain to recognise that i have a left arm and what i have been doing is just washing my hands and using my right hand to put on the soap in my parilised arm , in my case the left arm and after washing my hand just before dring my hand remember how you use tiom fling your wrist or shame it to remove any excess water?well thats what i am




well i am sure that you have heard the phrase if you don"t use it you lose it :Nodding: and being a stroke surviver you have very good days and very bad days :crying: i know how bad it can get :Nodding: i have been there that is why i say no matter how har it getsNEVER GIVE UP!! :gym: AND NOW ABOUT THE BAD DAYS THAT YOU MAY HAVE :Ask: I HAVE FOUND THAT THE KEY TO being happy, and having a very good day is to keep as active as you possibly can without overdoing it how munch is to munch ? :Scratch

