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Stroke questions

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Dealing with vascular dementia

We are in uncharted territory dealing with daddy's diagnosis of vascular dementia. At least all of his agitation and aggressiveness are gone. His memory is much better and he has cracked a few jokes. Still no tv, and he is still running lights off. Everything I've read about vascular dementia states it coincides with Alzheimer's. I am hoping the neurologist can shed some light on how severe he is. I am also hoping the psychiatrist can give mama a definitive diagnosis. I feel better knowin



Is it normal for a stroke survivor to show animosity toward their spouse

I am concerned. Daddy is showing some strange behaviors. Last week he told me he would have killed himself the night before but didn't have anything to do it with. Come to find out it was a dream. He told mama in front of Robbie he was going to take a knife to her. We hid the knives and scissors. I don't know if he was joking or not. He started this week telling Robbie he was going to kiss her if she didn't come to our Christmas party. Mama got upset. Yesterday he was kicking out at mam



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Being a Caregiver

I thought I would take a break today from discussing daddy's stroke and just talk about my very limited experience as a caregiver. I just got my mind wrapped around the fact that my little mama has Alzheimers earlier in the summer. Daddy and I got her to the doctor and he put her on an anti-depressant, Alzheimer's medication and a tranquilizer. During this period, I would make periodic trips to the farm (90 miles from my house) and try to help as much as possible. My husband lost his job at



Questions about stroke recovery

My dad had a stroke 9/4/14. He has really good days where it is almost like nothing is wrong then the next day he won't talk and acts really confused. Is this normal during the recovery process? The ct scan did not show a stroke. They could not do a Mri due to his pacemaker. They determined a stroke based on blockage in his arteries on his neck.

