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A Time To Be Thankful



You know, I'm very thankful, this is another year upon me since the stroke of my life happened on January 15, 2004. I really feel I'm blessed in many ways to be alive today and this year makes eight I have been a survivor. So for me, it's a time to be thankful. Thankful to God, my wife and family and the wonderful members here past and present! We can all look back and get angry about the stroke or strokes that caused us to be in the condition we are now.


The big question in my mind is could I have been killed or died in some other revenue by having all my strength and mind or being in a place, town or country that I should not have been in before the stroke???? The stroke may have saved my life. I love to travel and could have been on a flight or in a country I've been before visiting and lost my life. We will never know and for that reason alone I honestly feel good I'm a stroke survivor and can get about as good as I do for as long as I have!


I'm not one to sit and moan about my present physical condition. It gives me strength to know I survived. I remember seeing young kids born with defects or was somehow not able to keep up with the other kids because of their physical conditions holding them back. Here I am older and had that chance to do all the things any young man would love to do. Even 22 years in the military surviving one war being shot but still came back alive! In a sense I feel it's my time to be still and not on the go all over the world. I know I would be on the move with so many functions happening all the time.


I've traveled about everywhere in the free world and all across America by car for many years. I don't miss it now. It's time for me to have a seat so I'm thankful I can enjoy my life as I am with my wife and family and still able to go when I desire without much trouble! I've come a long way in my 8 years of recovery being ever so thankful to God, the wife I have now and my knowledge of knowing the difference in work and relaxation retirement at my age.


Sure, I know all survivors are not the same nor had the same paths of life I did but I would hope most survivors are not angry at God for the condition they are in as a result of the stroke. I read so often on here about the survivors doing so good in their recovery battles and their husbands or wives are so proud of their accomplishments over time. There is no blame for strokes they come in all sizes, ages and nationalities. I feel for the person who was in great physical shape, young, and in the prime of their lives and become a stroke survivor. I suppose what's for us is for us and there is no way around it. I accept the stroke, my condition and my ability to have come so far on faith!


Here it is another new year upon us to live the best life we can with what we got left after the stroke. It's a bit more than not having survived as all our lives came with and ending from the time we were born so let's be thankful if our end times haven't arrived yet! I intend to live the best life possible as I am with no complaints. We never know what lies ahead of us in this life. I turn on the TV and see so many robberies, car accidents, and killings being done with home break-ins and gun toting men and women, I can only say "Lord have Mercy" on this world! Wishing all of you a prosperous new year with lots of recovery! :big_grin: :Clap-Hands:



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Fred, I love you comment about a time to be still. That is where I am at too, I think more than I speak now. And I think more BEFORE I speak which is even more important. I think you would have got older and wiser anyway but maybe the suffering the stroke brought into your life made you dig a bit deeper.


Thanks for your blogs, they are always thought seeds for me.



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such a lovely blog, I feel when you view every incidents of life good or bad with gratitude, everything is workable. My eight year anniversary is coming up soon too. I too view stroke as just bump in my life's journey to make me enjoy & appreciate my family while I still can.



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Guest lwisman




Congrats on your stroke anniversary. You have made great contributions to this network. I know it is appreciated by many!



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fred that is right from the heart, I enjoyed it,you have wonderful insight into this ,I hope to be encouraged-Thanks

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Many Thanks to all of my members,


We just have to move forward with a positive mindset. It's not as bad as we let it be so let it be good! We still have life, friends and family to smile with daily. It takes less muscles to smile than frown our face up, try it! :big_grin: See I told you so! The Beetles "Let It Be" Remember?


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Congratulations, Fred, on your stroke anniversary! You have been an example to me of--a positive attitude carries the day. When I woke up in the hospital after my stroke, and my doctor said my stroke was a "random" event, but that I could have a good recovery if I was willing to work for it, I said, Sign me up! I've never regretted that decision. I had a fall but bounced back quickly, chastened in the safety area. In March I'm going to finish up the e-stim study I've been in, then keep working on my walking, and apply for arm/hand therapy at the rehab center I go to. Never stop working! That's my motto. All the best, Henry

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Guest hostwill




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