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Catching up



Winter - finally arrived! I think we've had 3 or 4 little 'dustings' in the last few months, but today it DUMPED. I hate snow. It's pretty, but that's its only nice thing. It makes roads slick and driving dangerous, and that's AFTER you spend 15 minutes scraping all that white junk off the car (unless you have a garage, which I obviously don't). Why couldn't it have stayed as rain, like last night and this morning? Not that it's any better, as there were LAKES on the freeway. Not puddles... no, these were a good couple inches deep and spanned more than one lane in width! I was only going 45mph and still almost slid off the road a couple times. I wouldn't have gone out, but one of the kitties at the shelter needed her mouth examined by our medical person at adoptions, because I saw sore spots in it... hoping it wasn't Calicivirus, which already killed 18 of our other kitties. Luckily it's just a bad tooth and she's bruised on her gums. Getting her tooth (or a couple) pulled next week most likely.


Work - new schedule, which I hope I can stick to. There's a client that posts hundreds of $0.77 articles. Usually I hate writing 100 words for less than $1 (actually, I hate writing less than 200 period, because I tend to feel I leave out so much info!), but these are nice and quick, and I can easily make $5 to $10 in an hour. Of course, they only post at 4am...and since everybody is desperate for work, since daytime orders are practically non-existent, they disappear quick! Yup, 400 orders are gone in 40 minutes. So at 5am, I just go back to bed and "nap" until about 9 and get up 'for real' for the day.


I still need to stick to a decent daily schedule of working. Even if there's no orders to write, I really need to study up on my grammar to get higher scoring on my articles. Right now I'm a level 3, which pays 1cent per word…but there's no orders being posted. If I get up to a level 4, my pay goes up to 1.5cents per word AND there's always more work for level 4s… I keep looking at the daily list of 200+ orders and pining over it! Anyhoo, if I'm not studying, I could go find other sites to get orders from. But usually they're cheap and only pay $0.50 for 100 words... way worse than the .77 ones! I'd rather work smarter, not harder. I miss the 500 word articles for $5 and hope things pick up again soon for those! (partly then I could sleep from 10pm to 7am again, and not this 4am break... it's confuzzling my circadian rhythm!)


Speaking of decent sleep... it's after midnight, I should go now. No work tomor-...er, today, as it's Sunday, and I don't work on the Sabbath.


*kerflomps into bed*


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