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What's Next? The Times Ahead



Well, for many of us we can look ahead to what's next for us. Yea, Easter is gone, tax time gone, spring half gone, so we look forward to more recovery and care giving plus summer time is now just ahead of us. In some states the weather is still a bit cooler than normal but overall not so bad! Not much else to speak of around my house. I guess the big election is almost in full swing soon as the republican candidate is known and the others commit to the front runner. Can you imagine these same races 8 years from now??


Summer time is really what I look forward to now and the official end to this 10 year war that has cost us so many lives young and old alike! Any person can't get the real feeling of war until you come here to Fort Hood Texas and see the families affected by war. The survivors having to live with what they got left of their bodies and families! It's really, really sad to see and I volunteer to see and help all I can daily! I know the way I was cared for in San Francisco at the hospital returning from the unpopular war in Vietnam! I have managed to live long enough to see many tragedies here and abroad and that will always be in some form or another. I just pray the young kids of the world today won't have to face such hardships during their lifetimes!


I think many of you care givers here will soon be getting into your gardening routines growing plants, vegetables alike and what ever makes you happy! My granddaughter and I grew a small garden in the backyard several years ago now and to my surprise she never wanted to do that again! It made me get outside more than I do now and I enjoyed doing it. She couldn't see how a little seed planted in the dirt could produce a big tomato. She was so amazed she took some to school for show and tell!


Now it's all about her little puppy 4 months old now that is costing me a little money for the vet bills she requires to stay healthy and safe! She is doing much better with her training at Pet smart and her training pads here at home! She loves to go outdoors, run and ride on my scooter. She runs faster than my granddaughter on her bike! They go about two driveways over then race back to our driveway to see who wins! The puppy gets back first every time. To be so little and young (a shih tzu) she can really run fast! I don't have many dull moments but that's all a part of being a grand parent I guess! Watching them all grow up to be responsible is great to me.


I don't suppose strokes will take a break and not happen so often the rest of this year? They seem never ending for young and old alike but looks like we haven't had many new members joining lately! I can remember back a few years we had almost 5 joining every day! Then I have noticed many of the members from awhile back are not still posting or making comments on the site but their names are still here! I feel like one of the really old guys now having been here since 2005!


Well I guess I'll take the puppy outside for a bit since the weather is nice. Tomorrow is suppose to be colder and rain that's a stay indoors day for me plus I have to work with the wounded warriors again too! Never a dull day!!!


Recommended Comments

Fred :


Its fun to read your blog. I am glad you are volunteering & helping others that keeps person busy & away from feeling sorry for themselves. I have realised having routine in life helps person. I am glad you have your granddaughter & her puppy to keep you entertained.



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Fred, You are an inspiration to all of us. Thanks for taking care of our soldiers too. It is a pet peeve of mine that our men give so much to us only to be forgotten. Dick served in the Korean War which they completely skip when teaching history these days. My girls have learned more about what our soldiers did in Korea from their many friends from Korea than they ever did in public schools. Ruth

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Guest hostwill



Thanks for the job you do, I'm sure the vets appreciate all you do. Yeah, I remember my homecoming in San Francisco, When I came back from Viet Nam. It's nice to see how things are changing for the better FYI, I talked to a high schooler, who is studying History, and I asked him if he knew about Audry Murphy? The kid Says? " I never heard of him'' kids huh?


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