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Larry's therapy and our weekend



Larry had an appointment with a new audiologist who is going to find new hearing aids for Larry to wear. First, he has to go to another doctor to have his ear wax cleaned out. He has not worn his old hearing aids since the stroke but wore them faithfully before. I said "you need to get new ones, you miss out on so much and I'm tired of repeating." We had OT and PT the rest of the week which ended Friday. One of the OT's is trained in the Saeboflex and tried it on Larry's hand again. The first time, the OT could not get enough movement but this time she said she saw enough to try again in 1 month. She said the Botox would help to relax the muscles more by then. This device works on a spring loaded attachment that is worn around the hand and fingers. This has shown a big improvement in some more so than the E-Stim devices. I was told, once qualified, Medicare does pay for it. It's worth a try anyway.


This weekend was to be the walk for the stroke awareness but the weather was too chilly for us. It got down to the high 40's the day before and only 50 ish for the walk. Larry does not do well in the cold. What a shame, as I was especially looking forward to it. Our community had an event for Earth Day, so we took a box of paperwork for them to shred. You could bring electronics, appliances, batteries, books, etc. So nice to be able to recycle instead of filling up landfills.


Today, Larry's son, wife and our granddaughter, Rachel, came over and it was cold out again. We were going to take her to this new park where they have a pond to fish in and a neat playground. We went to lunch instead and enjoyed our time with them. Rachel ordered a corn dog and applesauce. I said "oh, that looks good, I haven't had a corn dog in a long time". She said, "when I get it I can share some with you". Awe, so cute! She's ony 5 and after we came back to the house we tried to keep up with her. She wants to do something, then 5 minutes later is wanting to do something else. I don't know if I could keep up with a 5 year old all day! His son said we would go to the park next time. He said "I didn't know you guys wanted to do stuff before" I said "yes, it's good for Larry to get out in the fresh air and I enjoy it too." Duh!


Hope it warms up this week.




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Let me know how the hearing aids work out. William does not use his anymore since the stroke. He accuses me of mumbling.. He just doesn't hear everything that he needs to hear.


Larry is getting better and more able to do more stuff. That is good. Perhaps your son will finally realize ...yes you and Larry are still with the world and do enjoy getting out. Everybody does. duh?


Incredible? I hope that the PT keeps going well.


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Julie: good news on the new hearing aids. Will make a big difference!


Good for you for letting his son know that outings are not only doable, but needed. Hope your weather improves soon. We are having heavy rain for the next 24 hours. So needed. Funny, Bruce said tonight "what is the agenda for tomorrow?" I said heavy rain and you are cooking Mister-lol. We did get out this morning before the front came in. Good week and good news. Debbie

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Julie, Where do you get Larry's hearing aids? We would never be able to fit Dick for one at this point sadly but I take care of my parents too. Both really need them but look to me to initiate.


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I got the aids the VA can set/tune by computer so all I do is change the batteries. I just can't get them wet with sweat or water so I wear them in the house mostly! I sweat real bad all over I guess I use all my strength to walk!

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I will let you know which hearing aids Larry gets. He goes to the Nuero audiologist Friday to have the wax cleaned out. This Dr. did a stapedectomy on Larry in 1996 but sadly it didn't help, so he wore the aids. We will probably see the audiologist next week for testing and fitting. Hopefully, he will be happy with new ones.



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