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The hill is getting a little steeper



I have noticed as of late it is getting harder to stay motivated to do the things I know help me and even those I enjoy doing. I still exercise often, but not as much as I should. It just seems to be harder to get it done. I don't do well in crowds anymore, and prefer to be alone or just with Lesley. Even getting ready for the fishing season this year was tougher than it has ever been before. However since I have had some success the few times I have gone fishing this year, that part seems to be coming back. One of my "family" members I forgot to mention in a previous blog introducing my "family" was cousin meneries disease, which causes balance and hearing/vision issues. I have had a mild case of it most of my adult life, and it seems to be coming back more often. I just got some new glasses awhile back, my vision sometimes gets unsteady (can't focus well) and I was blaming the new glasses. I finally took them off in frustration only to find the problem remained unchanged. It was then I realized it was the meneries again. It comes and goes without warning, Lesley has to take over driving oftentimes as sudden head movements cause problems. It has progressed to the point I have cancelled my canoe/camping trip with a VA group in June into the BWCA Wilderness because I am not sure I can expect a week of going everyday and keeping up with a group of younger guys. Lesley and I still are planning our July canoe/camping trip, but there I can take a day of rest if I need it and Lesley will understand. I'll be 67 in a few days, I guess some of this is just because I am getting older. (For longtime readers remember the blog I wrote about comet dust a few years ago)


Now that I have whined enough about how bad it is, the good news: whenever I do exercise I really feel much better and wonder what the big deal was about doing it. The good news is that I seem to have as much strength and endurance as I have had for a long time. Carrying my canoe and catching fish is as much fun as ever, once I get out and do it. The new truck Lesley insisted I get is now the second love of my life (Lesley is the first. I had to say that, she might read this blog!).


So to wrap it up, I have been blessed with a good recovery, but new issues and some old ones keep coming up, constantly challenging me, testing to see what I am made of. So far the hill has not gotten so steep I can't continue the climb albeit a bit slower going than it was.


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George, age wearies us all. I find I plan one big item a day washing, ironing, cooking to freeze etc and then fill in the rest of my time with little jobs, I no longer clean the house in a day like i did on Saturdays when I worked full-time.


I'm glad you are still doing the camping/canoeing trip with Lesley, you have to keep building those memories. And fishing, wish I had a companion to go fishing with...maybe one day.



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George: it is OK to wind down a bit, you after all, have worked so hard and so long. But as you have already discovered, while mentally it is tough to motivate yourself, physically you still reap the benefits. Go easy, my friend. You are a bit down that the Meniere's has kicked in and this is going to happen. Go with it and when it is in a quiet stage, you push forth. Debbie

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George. I see you Choose Your Attitudes. Sometimes it is easier to choose the wrong one. Choosing the best one will always be a benifit to your and all others around. It's nice you chose the right one to end your blog. Choosing the right attitude is a great motivater. No matter what you do - do it to your fullest ability. The hill may be steeper but the climb is always worth it.. Vince.

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