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Well! So far that is a success...not



To say the least, Dad doesn't do well with change nor does he seem to "get" why he can't still do what he could do when I was 5.

Dad grew up in this house with NO privacy. Privacy was for "outsiders", not family. There are doors on the bathroom and bedrooms, of course, but they must just be for show because most of them won't even close anymore and if they do, knocking or waiting for the door to be opened again is only optional.

Last summer I thought the heat and humidity would kill me because he's also paranoid and can have no windows open for ventilation so I made up my mind I was getting a window unit for my room. Of course the door had to be fixed so I wouldn't be trying to cool an entire house with a 5000 btu air conditioner. Wow! That was so nice I decided to have internet installed in my room so I could have privacy and distraction. I've heard one out of two ain't bad but I'm still not convinced!

Bright and early this morning I got my shower and put on a robe, thinking I'd get dressed in my nice cool room. It's hell trying to get dressed when your clothes are sticking to you. So, I go in my room, shut the door, and remove my robe just in time to hear, "are you awake?", "Yes Dad." Before I could open my mouth to say "Don't come in!!" the door swings open. There I am, nekkid as a Jaybird. Dad has never closed a door so fast. I finished dressing and went out to where Dad was and I really didn't want a war today so I said, "Did you enjoy that as much as I did?" Of course it was my fault. Why wouldn't it be?!


On a good note... I think he's traumatized--traumatized enough that I doubt he'll try that again! I hope not-- I might have to kill him if he does. But for the time being I'm in a generous mood so he may have some time left.


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