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No One Knows!



I woke up to real bad news this morning about a lone gunman taking innocent lives in a movie theater last evening at a special midnight showing of "Batman" the movie! That tells me no one knows when, where or how their final days will be in this world! Even a three month old baby was killed by this lone gunman that just so happen to be in Colorado again!


I want to think the stroke I had eight years ago may have kept me alive this long by restricting my abilities to travel as I once did yearly!! No one knows their final days but it's so hard to hear this kind of news of so many lives lost and so many others injured from the shooting! We think of a stroke as a not so good thing with the disabilities it leaves us with usually for life afterwards! When you are an outgoing person and always on the go this incident has made me think again about being out in public places!!


I accept the stroke today as I did years ago and except for my paralysis on one side I'm OK with being limited in doing and in going places! It makes me more aware of my surroundings at all times and I can easily give up going to places for public outings! I won't stop going places but I will choose carefully as I have been doing for many years now!!


I would hope no members here had relatives there that were injured or killed as we already have so many things in our lives to feel blessed about in dealing with strokes and care givings for our loved ones!! We have our share of soldiers killed here at Fort Hood by the fellow soldier Major Nidal Hasan who is still awaiting trial for those deaths he caused and the heartaches it left so many with to know their loved ones were killed right here on the military base while preparing to depart to the war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan!!


We just never know when and no one knows!!!


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Fred, I think we all rail against the randomness of death sometimes. We feel out of control when another massacre happens, when people are killed by negligence, or deliberate sabotage. Really it is an outcry against sin versus goodness, the goodness we feel we have a right to see reflected in community values. I have had friends killed in seemingly senseless ways and we have all known good people taken from life, a life which they were making better for everyone.


I think all of this is an acceptance issue, an acceptance by us that we don't control our own lives, that there is a randomness that does not recognise goodness,respond to good, or reward our efforts. I think we need , as Christians, to pray more and bring bring our compassion to the wounds and injuries fo others. I know you do that Fred at Fort Hood and I do it in my small way in the corridors of the nursing home. Sometimes that seems such a small effort and we want to do more but we are frail human beings and confronting evil alone is not something we can do.


Bless you Fred for what you do try to do to heal some of those hurt around you.



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Yes, that is really sad. And I think these people really prey on large public gatherings. I agree just makes you leary about large gatherings but as you said no one knows. There is no such thing as the right place wrong time and so many other ways you can say it. When it's your time, that's it.


So we're all blessed to be alive no matter what shape we're in.

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Yes I agree with Sue we cannot tell when we'll be killed or anything like that! We just have to trust God on that one!! I would hope I would be spared that one! But we cannot live our lives in fear like that one.



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