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What a Day!!



Woke up this morning and made coffee around 6:30am. Watching the news and just relaxing. I hear something in the other room that sounds to me like the noise Sparky, that's the name Mike has chosen to call his power chair, makes when you move the joystick. I get up and walk into the den to find Mike coming through the living room with his hemi walker!! He has gotten out of bed and is walking to the kitchen trying to suprise me! After the shock of seeing him alone walking without a "guard" by his side I allowed him to continue. He made it just fine and sat down in his chair for our morning chat and news.

Then he says he would like to go out onto the back porch and drink his coffe and smell the new cut grass our wonderful neighbor mowed for us yesterday. So with me behind carring the coffee we go onto the porch and decide to sit on the steps the way we use to do. I am a little affraid of this as we have not attempted the steps except the one time his daughter was here and they came in the house via the steps going up them. But with his dizziness I was affraid going down them would be a whole diffrent monster! But we made it with him holding the hand rail and me holding my breath we sat and enjoyed an old memory of life before the stroke. Then we got up and pulling on the rail with his good hand he went up them sideways, good foot first then bad foot, good foot, bad foot. I could see the joy in his eyes to be able to enjoy a prestroke "tradition" . We have so few of those these days as I know you all know what I mean.

Then its off to town. He dresses himself, except buttoning his pants or tying his shoes, LOL! Gets his wallet and cap and says "Lets go Im ready!" Usually I pull the truck to the front where we have ramps and it is straight out the door but he says he wants to go down the steps so off we go! He manuvers them wonderfully didn't stumble or get dizzie!

Our trip was the easiest one we have ever made, post stroke. We only had a couple of places to go with very little walking involved and he did great! No wheelchair to drag out of the back of the truck, I didn't have to pick his leg up and put it in for him except once when we were on a hill!

We return home parking in the rear of the house where the steps are and up he goes! Sideways, pulling with his good hand, good foot, bad foot. No stumbling until the last step. Just a little teeter then all is well. Into the house he goes and sits down at the table, All is good! So far its been a good day! Thank you God!


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That IS a good day! These are the days to remember--they will be what get you through the bad days. I am genuinely happy for you both!


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hey Cat & Mike :



that is great day, make him do more of those & it will get so much easier that it will become second nature & you both will realise there is life post stroke & its still good just little different but still good, you both will find joy in living again. I am so happy for you both.



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Cat: what a wonderful day! How proud you both must be and Cat, the most amazing thing was he initiated it himself! I don't have that here yet, but I can only imagine how much easier recovery would be on a caregiver, if the survivor gave back all that.


I know how scary that was for you but I applaud you in that you stood back and let him do it. No hooplah or admonishments as to safety. That is so hard to do. And yes, it is so much easier without all the equipment.


You be sure to give Mr. Mike a big hug and kiss for me. Well done! He must be beaming (as ell as exhausted!). and to you a toast. Honey, you made my weekend. That ear-to-ear smile I know you have will last a long time. Kudos, Debbie

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Wow, that is amazing. I just looked at your profile to try to see if you had any info on Mike there, and saw that his stroke was just in May. How in the world did you get the insurance to spring for a power chair so early on?!?!? (hints please, we still might need one!) Your husband is doing far better than Bob, who had his stroke Feb 29. I think it's going to just keep getting better and better. We will, too, but I think we will take longer than Mike, so glad to hear this good news for you 2!

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Thanks everyone! He is doing really well these last few days. Ethyl I will do just that for you! Sandy we were lucky in that he actually has one his mother purchased prior to her death. It is an older one but according to the Scooter store it is one of the higher quality ones. We had to have a charger replaced just last week that cost us about $200 but thats less than the cost of another chair. Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

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Guest hostwill



Sounds like Mike's recovery is going Well You're just what the doctor ordered.

See you in chat.


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