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invitation to dinner



My oldest son Marc invited me to his cottage for dinner . This happened friday july 13/12. I knew how to get to almost 3/4 of the way there so Dan my youngest met me at a restaurant where we used to stop every weekend when the kids were young. Unbelievable that I was on the same road going to my son`s cottage(summer home). When Marc had first talked about inviting me, my mom and dad and sister, he mentioned he did not know how his wife was going to take the news as she was still not comfortable seeing me after the feud. I called my son and told him he had to live with his wife and I did not want to come between them. When the invitation finally came, he told me she was ok with it as long as we didnt go into any sensitive topics. So I went and I was very pleased at the hospitality both of them showed me. It was a nice evening. I am so glad the ice is broken though I dont expect to be invited more than once every summer. Even if they were nice and polite, the closeness we once had is still not there. Maybe some day...


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That's good mc I'm glad you went and had a good time!! What ever was the poroblem was it wasn't brought up!! That shows you can be to gether and get along! I'm proud of you!



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good --- family rifts are so hard.. but at least a rift is a indication of caring one way or the other- dans family (my dan of course) just does not care period...nancyl

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I am so Happy To hear this news. Since it was a pleasant get together, I'm sure there will be more. This is a start


Juping for Joy for you

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mc :


thats great start, I am sure there will be lot more in future. I am so happy for you, I know you have been so looking forward to this for way too long, slow & steady you are going to get your family & Andre both.



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MC: With faith and patience, all things are possible in God's time, not ours! It is often very hard to wait but I think that makes us stronger people in the long run. Glad it worked out for you. Look at the positive not the negative. My two sistes are too far away to visit and I can't fly anymore. They are in 2 different states and have big families. I really miss seeing them; we talk at least once a week. Once things settle down, I want to pay for them to fly to come visit me for a week or two if their husbands will let them loose that long ! Hugs, Leah

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