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Well 9 years as a survivor, I somettimes miss "what I used to have" but I am extremely grateful of what i do have.. I am much better off than many surviors in what I was able to regain.


I miss John so much, I can't even begin to express it here. Without his support and "pushing" I am sure I woulld not have regained this much..

"The winde beneth my wings" was one of our favorite songs.

July 28th was 13 months.... It was Saturday, and I had been reading on a "grief" site about some people getting tattioo's. John did not like tattoo's but I have a very small one. I got 30 yrs ago. Well I drove into town. to a Tattoo parlor ( some of the guys would come into the copy shop, and I know thy have been in business a long time) I had a small ring tattooed on my wedding ring finger. I have lost a lot of weight ..and my rings are very loose, Once they came off and I was in a panic , but knew I had not left the house.. I usually hang up the dish towel on th oven door handle, but for some reason I had laid it on the counter... and there they were. I wore them a little longer; but so afraid of losing them. the tat is a small red heart and on each side a swirl.. I did not realize until later. when you look at the swirl.it looks like an S. which is the first initial of our last name.

The secon is on the inside of my left forearm ( so I can see it too) It s a cross, shaded with grey. It has a red heart, a ribbon/banner is cured around the cross the top ribbon says Bonnie and tthe bottom John, the banner is shaded with some blue.. During John's fight with cancer he would mentioned seeing a Beautiful Orange light, and would ask If I could see it. So behind the cross is an orange glow.


Ii am not totally comfortable in my new life, He gave me confidence through the stroke, I felt safe and protected. I am a bit clumsy, but I mabage many things. I think I mentioned in my last long ramble that my daughter & her husband do live here, so I am not alone. They both work day shift.. and I have the honor of being the doorman for 7 dogs and 2 cats during the day. LOL We have 5 acres, but one of my daughterr's dogs has to be on a cable run.. she is young.. and has crossed the highway several time.. also has found an interrest in a couple of the neighbors chickens.... otherwise, I coulld just leave the doors open, I do when she is out on her cable run.. She has a long cabe and large area to run.. We are hoping some day when she settles down ( she is not quite 2) that she will stay on the property and not be such a gypsy.


Since "the kids" work day shift I usually try to have dinner ready for them when they get home.. If I really don't feeli like cooking.. we just "wing " it..


Trying to find my new normal now as a stroke survivor and widow.. and some days it is one day at a time.


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It sounds like John got you to where you are today. It's an honor when we leave this earth with something so powerful behind us, that it changed lives. You make him very proud, with all you describe being able to accomplish thru the day - that is a lot of pets! (My 3 are wearing me out!)

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Bonnie, you will settle. It is a long journey, to being alone and a widow,to finding a "new you", to being comfortable with all that you have been through. You are a wonderful woman, an icon to me and I know yu can do it. Don't struggle alone, reach out to those who value you as we all do.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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thank you bonnie for your beautiful post and I love the idea of a tatoo...who know I might get one one of these days. It's been 8 months since I lost Jerry and I am fighting tooth and nails. Today was not a good day and I cried most other day. I am along and feel that way. It will be so hard to make a move but I am slowly realizing I need to. For tonight i am letting it go; I'm too sad. I have friends here, but as you know being a stroke survivor AND a widow is hard. I'll blog when I can get my head around it eventially. Jerry was my rock and now I feel I am sinking into sand. Leah

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Bonnie, many times memories are all we can hold on to when lives are shorten or like strokes we are down in seconds and may suffer but survive to find our lives will never be the same again in many cases!! Memories we can hold on to for years lives we can not!

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Bonnie :


as a life survivor you know first few years are hardest to cope with, there is no set time tablw for grief period but I am sure surely you will reach to acceptance. John did leave with you lot of great memories, have you gotton chance to read Jean riva's blog "misadventure of widowhood". google it, you will get lot of comfort reading her blogs & it will help you in coping.



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Bonnie: you are such an inspiration to all of us and I know the first response to that will be that that was the gift John gave to you. I am happy that you are finding some peace with your new life and getting through the pain. Know I am thinking of you. Debbie

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Thank you all my "DEAR" friends.. Yes Asha, I did rean Jeans blog.. and she gave me the link to the widow site. It has been extremely helpful and making friends their also. I won't leave you all. but meeting some widow and widowers who are going through this think called Grief.. I am understanding and I think it is helping in acceptance.


love to all Bonnie

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bonnie, you have always been a inspiration to me, since i joined the site. i know exactly how you and leah feel. this month will be 2 years already since i lost my hubby of 40 years.the time has passed quickly. some days i don't know how i get through the day. but my oldest helps me, since he is just like his dad was, LOL i miss him terribly. i moved back to tx, hoping his family would be a support connection for me, but they are not. i call his dad every fathers day, since andy can't anymore. its appreciated but i'm never asked how i am doing. makes me just really want to let him have it, but i don't. loosing a spouse is a big hurdle to get over, i still am struggling with it, but having you and leah to talk to, has helped me, more than you both know. bonnie i thankyou for the widow site link, i havent visited it yet, but i will.

i admire your strength to get through all that you've had to. you are a dear friend and i love you. be safe and well, my friend. kimmie

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