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Cayden had his first field trip yesterday which turned out to be his schools nightmare. The kids were all having fun at the fair and after riding the merry go round the trip changed his teachers outlook on life.

At about 11:00 am yesterday I got a phone call I will never forget. My son was acting strange. The teacher had no idea what was going on and he wasnt responding to anyone. He kept looking into space and to start out with the teacher thought he was afraid of the next ride that they were going to ride on......the spinning dragons or something like that. By the sounds of it the ride is like the teacup ride at Disney World. But when the teacher tried to talk to Cayden he couldnt talk and he had no idea who was talking to him or where he was even at.

I got there to the fair and saw the teacher and Cayden waiting for me in the shade. I looked at Cayden and he was burning up and his eyes looked strange. He couldnt recognize me until the teacher told Cayden who I was. At first I thought he had a seizure but he couldnt even walk.

We brought Cayden home and he started drinking water and all sorts of fluids and realized that I forgot to pack his drink for the fair. Not only that but the kids were in the sun most of the morning. My baby had a heat stroke and was severly dehidrated. He is back to normal today with more weakness in his right side but we are doing his weights again. Hopefully that will help get his strength back in his body.

Please pray that he gets better from this lil episode at the school. His daddy is pretty upset with the school but it wasnt their fault. Just like it wasnt my fault that Cayden had his first stroke.


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Dyan: I am so sorry. This stuff happens, honey. There is no fault or blame. Yes, I know Cayden is a child, but he is in the care of adults all day long. Both you and hubby feel very guilty, but the upside is, Cayden is OK. Yes, it will take a bit to rebound. And you all have learned from this.


No one wants a child to suffer, especially one who is disabled and dependent at a greater level. I once gave Britt an overdose of insulin. In a facility, Insulin is monitored by two Nurses, I am a nurse, still drew up the wrong amount and injected it. We spent the night with any sugar we could find, trips for ice cream. Britt thought she was in heaven! Even had pizza on a not scheduled night.


Biggest issue is Bruce never once blamed me. Accepted that it happened and then did whatever he could to help. He did the 2am to 5am shift, because he knew I was just wasted.


I agree with hubby that on a field trip it is even more important to make sure everyone has their fluids and snacks. If someone is missing something, it is up to the adults to supplement it. And as parents, we put our precious into their hands. Very scary.


So you move on. Make any adjustments as to prepacking as needed. Please give Cayden kisses and hugs for me. He was a big boy and deserves to be creditted for that. Also explain that Mommy was scared too, but with each other, you all got through it.


Go easy honey. Scary, yes, but over and lessons learned. Debbie

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I agree with Debbie, there was a crisis but you handled it. With all you have to do one or two things will be forgotten. Forgive yourself and move on.


The teachers too would have learned a lesson, if things had gone bad they maybe would have been investigated and maybe found guilty of negligence as he was in their care.


All stroke survivors have this in common, dehydration happens fast with drastic results and sometimes irreversible damage occurs. This time it didn't so there is much to be grateful for.



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You know you do what you can but we are humans, not machines so to speak, so we can and do forget things while God is still with us and Cayden remains on my home prayer list right here by my bed! I'm sure he will be fine!

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There is no one to blame . you may have forgetten to pack his drink, but the teacher could have found something ... I am sure with all the excieted children and the Fair.. it was just not thought they he didn't . I am glad he is doing better now. Chldren are so resilient.. Hoping he will quickly regain the strength and some extra work outs.

Sending HUGS to you and prayers for Cayden.


I'm sure the teachers will make check lists and know more for the next outing.


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Guest hostwill



I'm glad this had a happy ending, and like Fred says"you are only human". I'll keep Cayden in my prayers too.


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Dyan :


I am glad nothing bad happened so no one to blame hopefully every one learnt lesson you & teachers both though please let teachers know about this so that next ime they can look out for dehydration in other children & keep fluids handy for their future field trips.


you & cayden in my prayers.



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wow this reminded me of when I had my first grand mal seizure. I was 11 years old playing outside at school. Everyone thought I was having a heat stroke but it was actually a seizure. Stuff happens you know. Don't blame yourself. It was just a lesson to remind you to pack him plenty of fluids from now on. I hope he feels better. I know it can take a while to fully get out of that "daze"

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