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Maybe I should just quit work....



I just had the worst day at work. Awful cannot even describe it. I got to work at 4Pm. The pharmacist ahead of me was backed up. The que was 11 pages and he was still trying to verify 2Pm stuff. The order from the day before had not been done. The new order from today had not been touched.


Lot of complaints and unhappy customers. I could not catch up.


That was work.


But, the morning was nice. I took William to the pool. He is doing so well.

We had lunch and then he had a great time in bed sleeping. The caregiver brought him to church. He enjoyed the evening.


I got home and told him that I want to quit work. It is just too much. Nobody appreciates what you do. They just criticize what you do not do. I have enough on my plate just taking care of William.


The extra stress of work is just too much.


I called up my supervisor and told her that the store is a mess. She tells me that my partner called and was upset about the mess from the other day. She says that we need to take care of our problems. I really cannot believe that he did not talk to me about that. I just left the mess that he didn't get to from the previous morning.


I will think about it. But, I do think that I have enough of this work stuff.




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Sorry to hear that work is stressful and not working out but just look at as one bad day as long as every day is not like that. And your boss isn't very much help either. Since you told him what's going on it was his job to step in and help resolve the situation. Deciding to quit your job is a tough decision so give it some real thought before you jump ship.


Just change your attitude and not let it get to you cause it's just a job and its not your life. Just do what you can and everything will work out. I know we all want the easy way out but it's never good to be hasty with decisions like this. When it's time for you to go you should feel at peace with your decision.



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ruth i am very sorry to hear that your work is as stressful as it is and i know that it is a very scarey decision however being a caregiver and a loving wife for bill s sake in order to take care of bill you should just quit your job and leave the stress behind you and stay homew with bill bill will be happy and so will you be ruth

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Ruth -- deep breath --you are my hero - you have managed to work and care for your husband..in the end you do what you need to do, but make sure you are making a rational decision not an emotional one--- remember i melted at work and basically walked out-- i dont regret doing , but i regret how i did it.... and dan did need me - you have worked past those issues with your hubby- dont let a jerk from work take your job - unless- you want to leave... but you are a fighter..figure this out..and again deep breath..nancyl

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Wow, wouldn't William be ecstatic! You do what you have to do Ruth and look at all options. I know what the answer would be for me but it is different for others. Stress at work and stress at home being a caregiver are not good. Hope you can come to the right conclusion for you and William.



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I suppose the very first thing to consider is "can you afford to do without the money coming in from your job"?? For how long won't matter should you decide to quit the job!!


Perhaps if you can sleep on that thought for a night or two the answer will come to you and I'm almost sure William will be a still happy husband!!! With so many people out of work I don't think the job would be open long after you decide to leave!!


I just hope the work can be caught up somehow even if it calls for overtime for somebody!! Otherwise I can see some very unhappy customers coming in there day after day until it's caught up and they really don't care who is working long as it's open for business!!


Well my wife quit her job to take better care of me in the early beginnings, I couldn't help myself at that time and couldn't even walk or drive then!!


I'm with you which ever decision you make and hope to stop by and see you two again real soon!! Tell William hello and I'm almost ready to have a foot race with him!!

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Is your job where the insurance comes from? What other income does your husband get for being disabled? My husband gets LTD from work and SocSecDisab. Both those are amount to about 1/2 of what he used to bring home a month. :(

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