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Back to the real world



blog-0258303001358556008.jpgMy Florida trip was fantastic!! I went with three friends, two of them are caregivers, one a caregiver a few years ago to her husband. I'm the youngest of the four, the eldest is 87. What a group!! I was the chauffeur, which is odd because I don't have any sense of direction and can't remember where I turned five minutes ago. Thank goodness for the GPS on my phone! lol We rented a condo on Treasure Island in St. Petersburg. The condo was a couple hundred feet from the Gulf. We had four days, two of which were travel, so only two days to do anything. I was up every morning and on the beach by 7am watching the sunrise and listening to nothing but the waves and seagulls. So incredibly beautiful and peaceful. I really wish I had been able to stay one day longer so I could have some time to myself. The airline cost for me returning on Saturday instead of Thursday was $444, I almost choked! Plus paying Dan's caregiver another day it would have cost me over $600. Needless to say, I didn't stay longer, that's what the four day trip cost for each of us. Next time I'll stay an entire week, THERE WILL BE A NEXT TIME! (yes, I am shouting, mostly at myself) lol I've decided that I will be taking a trip a minimum of twice a year, they won't be this elaborate or expensive, but I will be getting myself away more often. I can't believe how rested I felt when I got home.


Then this morning I had to bring myself back to reality, to the real world, to my real life. Jeff tells me that Dan was great while I was gone. They went out every day, one day they were out for six hours, all with no complaining. He said Dan was even polite, saying please, thank you, I appreciate you taking care of me, etc. WOW...that's a first!!!! Dan and I had a little talk shortly before I left. Well, I talked, he listened. I told him that I am NOT his slave nor his maid. I'm his wife, granted I'm his caregiver, but I am first and foremost his wife. Jeff may work for us but that doesn't mean that Jeff and I both don't deserve courtesy and respect. I thought I was being ignored. Guess he did listen to me..that's another first!!!! Time will tell if it's going to last, somehow I doubt it, but I can always wish.


His surgery consult is this coming Wednesday. I hope that the surgery is scheduled soon so we can get it over with and recovery started.


Hopefully my vacation "glow" will last a little longer, if only another few days.


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Mary Jo,

What a wonderful experience. I am envious. Yes, plan for next year. What fun.


I am so glad that you had a great time.


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Good for you! You did just what you needed to do for renewal. I took a trip like that last year with friends and then had some time alone. It made everything better for quite a while. Lauren also missed me quite a lot so he wasn't as likely to take me for granted once I came home. I hope your "glow" lasts for months, not just a few days. I know these trips are expensive with all the additional cost associated with providing care for our spouse but they are worth every penny in my book. Doesn't always have to be waterfront (although that's grand!)--just a time away to regroup and refresh.



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Mary Jo :


I am glad you got to enjoy your vacation with your friends. couple of years ago we also rented house on beach with our friends & it was amazing experience, I am so happy for you.



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A trip like that is when you realize you needed a big break from care giving and it does you good to change the scenery and get away.


That's one reason the Army gave 7 day R&R vacations to combat soldiers so they could get away from the constant shooting and killings to breathe easy for a few days then return to the battle fields refreshed somewhat and maybe going home soon as it was with me.


When I got out the WC and on my scooter my wife and I took a few days and went to her home New Orleans and the casino so she could rest up before she returned to work after caring for me and pushing that WC. I even felt good enough to get a job at Walmart and stayed on for three years trying to make up some of the salary she lost in quitting her job to care for me.


Maybe if things are still the same with Dan you can go again next year.

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Mary Jo: was so looking forward to your blog. Sounds wonderful, honey. You had such a great time and yes, one more day would have been nice, but you did what was affordable and reap the benefits. Dan obviously was fine and bless Jeff. It is so important to have that perfect caregiver and you certainly have that in Jeff.


So yes, plan away! Thank you for updating us. Wonderful time. Debbie

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