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Update on us



I have been AWOL. Time has just slipped by.time doe not slow down as you age. My days are crazy. I get up at 5 a. Walk the dogs and then get ready for work. I leave the house at 5:30 a. I get to work at 6a. I do not start until 7 . I use this time to eat breakfast, text the caregiver with instructions for the day, and read for fun. This allows me time for myself and I do not get stuck in traffic. This job is the easiest job that I have ever had. I work in a call center and process Medicare part d determinations. This means that I sit all day. I am not tired at the WMD of the day. I get off at 3:30 and meet William at the therapeutic pool. The care taker brings him over. I usually get there at 4p. We do our 45 min of work and then hit the showers. We are usually on the road by 5:45. We get home around 6 ish. I fix William dinner and get all of the wet swim stuff put into the house. Walk the dogs two more times and it is time for bed.

It just does not seem like enough time. Monday I has the day off because I had an appt for my psoriasis. It seem that we shall try Humira. I was on Enbrel. The same day William had an appt with the urologist. I took wm to that appt. I wanted to talk to the urologist. Wm had a turp done 5 years ago. The tissue grows back. I have scheduled a laser treatment to remove some of the tissue. This will reduce the symptoms of urgency, retention. Frequency and the irritation of me being notified so his need to pee at night. This is a simple outpatient procedure. Scheduled for the 24. I told wm that it was funny all of the patients were older men. Probably with the same problem that he had. This is the opposite of a gynecologists office. All women.

Today is church. Indeed to get wm up.

William wanted a nutribullet. I got him one for Christmas. This Ida wonderful way to get his fruits and veggies into his diet. He has said that he feels better. I usually put in kale or spinach, pineapple. Apples banana. Beets, celery. Orange juice. Protein powder and flax seeds and midi lax. It tastes goods. Wm doesn't eat as must and drinks this without a problem.



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Ruth :


good to hear from you. I feel the caregivers who are as organised as you are do well in their caregiver role & their survivors also thrive in their recovery. just my observation & conclusion. I love your smoothie recipe sounds so healthy no wonder william feels great.



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Ruth: I do so miss you, but always glad to hear from you. We all miss you in chat. Love to you both, of course.


No there is never enough time and your schedule is so jammed packed. Glad you are both enjoying the little puppies. And do let us know how William makes out. So happy to hear that you still enjoy the job. Nice to know you made the right decision. Best honey and please so check in when you can. Debbie

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We certainly do miss you Ruth, you have been our adviser on a lot of caregiving issues. I can understand how very busy you are and how that leaves little time for personal stuff. Please do drop in to chat if you ever find the time, we'd love to talk to you again.


My psoriasis is raging this summer so had to change my shampoo and get my old cream reordered. I use a low cortisone ointment on my visible patches but hard to do that with my hair. I hate the special shampoo as my hair loses it's bounce when I use it.



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I have been thinking of the procedure for Larry using the TUMT method. How long did William start having his urinary issues after the TURP? Please share how William's laser surgery went?


Best recovery to William



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