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My Arthritis Appointment On 1 July 2014



That time has come again to see my arthritis doctor for my knees and man do they hurt now!! I have been getting injections in both knees for several years but the last time I did it didn't last very long at all!! So this time I will discuss with him about any other measures to stop the pains short of getting knee replacements for both knees!!


I've always said to myself "I don't want knee replacements," "I'll just go to my grave with the knees I was born with." Lately as I have gotten a bit older I think the arthritis has increased in both knees making the pains more severe to deal with on a daily basis!! As my family history goes for both my parents they suffered badly with arthritis most of their adult lives. I think my mom suffered the most... I remember her saying how much her knees hurt so bad daily but she could walk two blocks to church with no problems... Maybe she was walking and praying to God?


Then sometimes while I'm sitting at home I'm thinking because I'm the last child perhaps I caught all the ailments my parents had doing their lives?? It sure does seem that way at times!! However at other times I know it's the age that's catching up with me every year I get older!! When I joined the Army after high school I had a clean bill of health and could still run for miles and not get tired. I was on the track team and ran the mile run where no one ever beat my time or me!!! I even ran the 1/2 mile, 880 yards, and was only beaten once in three years in high school!!!


When I sit and think back on those days I feel now it has to be my age catching up with me finally!! After the stroke and five month stay in hospital I came home unable to walk for quite some time, meanwhile my wife had to push me around to my appointments and therapies for a few more months!! That's when the veteran administration decided I would be better off using a scooter for ever how long it was needed!!!


Ten years now and the scooter is my best friend for all I try to do and for the places I go on a daily basis!!! I like that instead of a WC so I can get off and still walk with a cane... I remember I'm left side weak or paralyzed so I may never be able to walk everywhere I need to go!!! I'm thankful every day I was 62 when the stroke hit me instead of much older!! It took away my ability to still bowl or run my Bowling Pro Shop with one side paralyzed!! I couldn't drill the holes in balls on the machine with one hand nor stand up long on one good leg!!!


I thought the monthly injections from my arthritis doctor would do the trick and it did until now so I'm concerned what's next for me short of knee replacements?? Anyway, perhaps some of those answers will surface in this next appointment on July 1st.... Looking ahead I'm hoping I don't get to the point of not being able to walk at all!!!


I'm not a sit at home person and my wife still working too! Heck, I would have to go back working at Walmart on my scooter again!! The manager has asked me "Do I want to come back??" at times when I go there shopping and run into him in the store isles!!! There is a Veteran hiring drive on now in most states for all Walmart stores everywhere so getting a job there should be pretty easy since I'm a disable Veteran!!


Well all those answers will come in due time so I shall know a bit more after this coming appointment in July!!! I just don't want knee replacements if I can help it because I hear so many complaints from those who had it done and most of them saying if they had to do it again they wouldn't!!!! Until next time you all, be good!!!!


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Fred: you need the serious sit down with your Doctor. Dealing with the arthritis is one thing , a double knee replacement quite another. For one thing, both knees may not heal equally. You have to weigh all the pros and cons. Also talking to your Ortho after your PCP is important. He/She will shed another light on it. Then you sit down with the Mrs. and discuss it.


I am so sorry for the pain and the rigidity. I know you love being out and about. That spring jaunt in the car, daily scooter rides with the little puppy. And I don't want to see you lose any of your independence. You have worked too hard, too long for that.


Keep us updated and know I am thinking of you. Debbie

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Fred, If you're not already on glucosamine, you might want to try it. I think you have to be on it for a few weeks or so before noticing any difference. Also, you can keep the knees moving when you're sitting by doing exercises to strengthen the muscles in your upper legs so you're not putting a lot of strain on the knees when you do walk. If you can afford it, look for a recumbent bike to work your leg muscles. We bought a really good used one for Gary on Craigslist - it was barely used and I got it for $80 (worth about $300). His caregiver gets him on it a couple times a week. Even though his right leg is very weak, we force him to concentrate on using it to peddle, as opposed to pulling it around with the left leg. He tries to cheat, but we catch him every time. lol Also, pool therapy for your legs is great. You can probably use some outpatient therapy funds from medicare to help with that if you can find a physical therapy place that has a pool. Hope you can avoid the replacement. I've been stalling mine off for the left knee for nearly 15 years now, and exercising in the pool and keeping the weight down does help considerably, along with the glucosamine.

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My doctor is like me He don't want to do that since my left side is paralyzed head to toe at this age and definitely not both at once!! I sure don't want to do it either and I can tell you now my mind is not into having it done anytime!! I saw men and women on the same floor with me when I was there recovering from the stroke... I decided then I didn't want that done I would go to my grave like I am!!! Of course I never thought I'd have the problems I got now! I think I can still live through it all!!! My mind is "I don't want it done ever"... I'll keep you posted!




I may try that and the bi-flex stuff too, I just have to see! I got the exercise bike I used daily from VA years ago and I use it daily sometimes twice and that's how I'm able to keep going like I do now since I don't have in house care or a regular lady three times a week anymore!!! The little dog keeps me going and moving, she loves to go and ride the scooter so I got plenty company and encouragement to keep moving!!!


Oh we have a senior citizen center witl all the machines too and I go there periodically too!! Thanks again!

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Fred: just some advice. Some of the supplements work great. I used them to get through Menopause - could not do hormones and use the Glucosamine for my hands. However, you must run any of those supplements by your Doctor and your Cardiologist before taking any of them. Debbie

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I got you, yea the doc and me will sit and talk, advise, and consider my progress so far and what he thinks will be best for my condition at my age!! He has to write the scripts or call them in for me so I won't take nothing he don't think is right for my conditions!!


Like he took me off high blood pressure med saying I no longer needed them!!

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I also think trying to rehab a knee replacement with one leg that don't work, would be very difficult, no matter which knee you had fixed. I hate to hear how much pain you are in, I just don't know the answer, seems like we sometimes are stuck.

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