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Better Every Day



After the initial improvements resulting from blood and Oxygen getting to my legs, I am having rapid improvement in lower extremity strength. Each day I can do something that I couldn't do the day before and more and more my gait looks like that of an adult, rather than a clumsy toddler. It is still alot of work and wipes me out but it is rewarding to see. It's not all peaches and cream but it doesn't have to be. I'm just glad to see forward movement at all. It's been a long time.

I had my follow up doctor's appointment yesterday and he was pleased, but of course he ordered more tests--just blood draws and a visit to my Cardiologist. So, I have that coming up Tuesday.


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Jamie: that is so wonderful to hear. I was so hoping that would happen once the circulation was improved. I know you are working hard, but just so happy the surgery was successful. Go easy - you are still recovering, but great news. Debbie

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jamie, i want to add my blessings that you are getting better day by day. keep up whatever you are doing, it must be working, just be cautious and follow dr's orders. you will get to where you want to be. someday soon. hang in there.



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Great! So happy for you. It's so wonderful when one of us makes more progress and each day we should all strive for something, no matter how small it may seem. I am so Blessed! I am so thankful for each and every breath that I take and my family and friends. Prayers are always His keep up the prayers and I will on my end. God Bless!

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