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My Big Knee Operation 12 September 2014



Well tomorrow 9/12/14 is operation day for me on my right knee, I will be so glad to get this operation over with so I can try to walk again and stand up on my own!! These last two weeks has been a pain in the butt for me not being able to even stand up or walk on my own!! I sat on my bed all day and must wait for my wife to come home and help me walk to the bathroom on her lunch hour.


I been drinking ensure so I don't have to go poop daily and I bet I have lost 15 pounds.. Anyway with my left side already paralyzed it makes it very hard for me to stand up or walk on my own or very hard to pick my left foot up to walk knowing my right knee will give out and down I go to the floor..


I just hope the knee will get well soon but it's a big operation in a critical place, the knee!! My wife had just taken her vacation two weeks prior so she couldn't take more time off!! I must call the doctor's office between 3 and 5 to get the time I'm due in to start my operation unless they call me later today to tell me the time to be there tomorrow for my procedure!!


I know the knee is hard to heal up and getting the tendons back together is a big task so I will be sore and not wanting to move that knee very much at all but I have to consider how much better I will be when this operation and healing is completed..


"I ask your prayers" and that God can guide the doctor's hand and give me more nerves to get this big operation done and start the long healing process of a delicate place on my body with limited moving ability!!


Thank you all this day at this time!! I will let you all know when I'm back home and sitting up on my own... Take care of yourselves!


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Best of luck to you. Both my sister and I have had knee surgery. Recovery takes some time, but both of us are really glad we had our operations. It has made a world of difference. But, one does have to be patient!


Thinking of you and praying for you.



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Lots of thoughts and prayers! Hope the surgery goes quickly and smoothly! Take your time during recovery and don't rush anything. Best of luck to you, your wife, the surgeon, hospital and caretakers after the surgery. Can't wait to hear a wonderful update!

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I will be praying for you and wishing you nothing but positive things! I can't image how hard this has been on you and your wife. You will be missed!



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hi everyone fred  called me surgery went well  and asked me to update  his blog  to let you all know that recovery \will take alittle ;longer.  his stitches are still in. he cannot walk very far or climb stairs.  the knee is still very painful  he will be  back blogging  as soon  as  he can.. 







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