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Catching Up - Again...



Okay...so well, it's been a few months since the first entry....


We managed through the tail of March and just into April, then I fell apart. I had tried to do the work at home thing, since Dad would not need me sitting on him every moment. Two weeks before Easter, I ended up taking 2 weeks off of work, thankfully, FMLA was still available and I still had vacation.


We got him settled at a very nice Adult Day Center, or "Daddy Day Care" as he calls it. Walker Methodist in Minneapolis. They have excursions and they challenge him. The other day center relied on bingo, dice too much for Dad. As I tell people, his intelligence is still there, it's how he uses it to plan is all kitty-wumpus. He goes three days a week and uses the Metro Mobility to get there.


He had to learn by rote which door to go in, to get to our apt, but he's got it. The first time he got a little confused, thankfully the apt caretaker got him to the right door and I made a cue card for him to use.


Directionally he's challenged. He looks down all the time and does not recognize how something has changed path. I've noticed that he walks a half step behind me, and follows me. I told him that if starts calling me "Lassie" or "Rin Tin Tin", there was going to be a discussion.


According to the neuro-opthalmalogist, Dad's driving days are over. His vision is 90 degrees, for driving in MN it has to be at least 100. I'll be getting rid of his car soon.


At one of the last appts with the lead doctor that manages his therapy, I was seriously peeved. The doctor commented that he's seen vision improve. Which Dad took to mean, I might get to drive again. I shook my head no at the doc and he ignored me and continued the comment. (I had to tell myself that jail is career-limiting move.)


He had a check in for the roto-rooter and that came back beautifully. Everything looks good and there's no change on the right (still about 20% blocked, same as before.)


I'll be having him try out an Assisted Living in November. I need a break, longer than a night.


I spent some time online tonight with the Caregiver's Chat and I realized that Dad and I got incredibly lucky. He can stil walk, talk, get dressed by himself, take showers by himself and do other ADLs. He's not allowed to use the stove/oven, but he can use the toaster and microwave.


I feel grateful that we got that lucky, but guilty that I'm complaining. I suspect that other caregivers wish that the journey they are on would be different/better/easier.


He's made a couple dressing mistakes, missed zipping and buttoning jeans, but managed the buckle. Occaisionaly he still gets his head through his sleeve on shirts.


Time to call it a night. Maybe I'll be able to keep this up better. :) I'll have to put it on my calendar, like I did the chat.


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Jeri, lovely to meet you in chat.  No competitions, we all have our own problems so feel free to share yours and we will help you all we can.  Sometimes we are serious and sometimes we just muck about and have a laugh.  Practice all the sounds, the emoticons and the colours, choose an avatar and make yourself at home with us.


I looked after my mother with Alzheimer's for two years, I could tell you stories about that till the cows come home.  Glad your Dad is manageable, that is all that counts really, being able to manage the situation. It can still make you very tired though so the break in November is a good idea.

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as sue indicates - everyones journey is difficult and no way is your or any one else's journey easier or harder - just different… each of have our own stories…. this is a place for ALL -- survivors and caretakers. we never know what is around the corner… 

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