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So much done, so much OW



So I left you all a few weeks ago with the major clean out complete for 2014. Everything left will be sold and we will go at Bruce's pace.


In the meantime, 32 degrees overnight and as 1967stingray advised, this is way too close to a hard frost. So time to move up the winter prep.


Today we had the auto and homeowners insurances reviewed. This agent has been in town for years and very well recommended. I did ask the little dolly on the phone if they had handicap access. She assured me that the ramp was right outside their door. A long time ago, ruthpill advised that she scoped out everywhere she had to go: parking access, ramp availability. And I did that for years. I must say back in the mid-70's then Governor Ella Grasso was on a roll with handicap access and mostly we have had no trouble. But, should have done my homework. The "ramp" was a lump of asphalt. From the driveway to the bottom of the ramp at least a 2" gap. From the top of the ramp at least 3" to the sidewalk another 2" or so over the door. And the incline was literally straight up. I tried once, smashed my right knee against the WC. Went inside and the agent and little dolly came out to help. We come out, agent was going to spot me going down the ramp. Because of the incline, if I lost Bruce he would have ended up in the middle of a four lane road. But someone at the diner next door parked right in front of the ramp - LOL. Now this has happened to all of us, but it was kind of funny to see the reaction of the two who don't deal with this all the time. Hands in the air, "what do we do" "can we get him over the curb?" Well without a hemi, no way I am doing that. Choice: 1) order take out breakfast sandwiches and coffee and enjoy the sun until the jerk moves his car. 2) go make a scene in the diner or 3) walk to the end of the strip mall sidewalk - which I did - and guess what? Sidewalk meets right up with the driveway.


Off to errands. We had a good gas discount from grocery store, so off to fill the truck. I went to set the nozzle so I could wash the windshield and the nozzle kicks back and puts a nice deep gash in my left thumb and forefinger. Not to panic, I have a first aid kit in both vehicles. Bandaged myself up and off to Home Depot.


Neighbor offered to fill a hole in the driveway for me and we went to pick up the material. Bruce loves Home Depot, so a fun trip. Home to lunch and nap for Bruce.


While Neighbor was working in the driveway, I cleaned out the gutters on the smaller part of the house. With the heavy rain Saturday, lots came down and we have more rain due this week. Bruce got up and came out on the deck while I put the deck furniture into the cellar and brought out the bird feeder poles. I moved two different size ladders all around that house and yup, go to close up a step ladder and slid on wet leaves. Both legs went out. Now my split days were over 45 years ago. Nice little groin pull - same side as the morning knee smash and the broken hip.


Back to the hard frost. The spikes on the bird feeder poles are about 5" long. I need a sledge hammer to get them secured when the ground is soft. Frozen ground, no way. Bruce helped me place them and his view from the kitchen window is perfect! I am so happy.


I am one achy camper tonight and tomorrow I am sure I will be a little worse off. Can't wait to see the black and blue marks - LOL. Fortunately it is to be rainy, so have some inside stuff planned and Colleen's Broccoli Rabe is on the menu. In the meantime, Bruce noticed some mortar coming loose on the chimney. Always something. Not a month ago, I was so excited that the list of house jobs was finally completed after 4 years. So we begin again.


Carl came on Saturday and took out the AC for us. Moved some power tools from the attic to the cellar for me and supervised me changing over the furnace filters - LOL - that was perfect timing!


Sunday was beautiful - cool and sunny. We went to the Blessing of the Animals at a local church. Ran into some friends, but what a wonderful and fun time! They had a very large turnout and so many laughs.


Now the fun stuff - the fall decorations. My absolute favorite and fortunately it is just up from the cellar, if I can manage the stairs - LOL.


I did tell Bruce, come November we are going away for a few days of R&R.


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Wow you scared me!  But our lows over the next few days are in the 50s and 60s, am counting on Bruce to announce the hard frost.  I really have to get the houseplants in over the next few days and Halloween up too, but have been running and tomorrow no different.  Wednesday hopefully.  I did manage to weedeat before therapy today at least.  Looking forward to the boredom of winter tremendously.

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Debbie, you have done so much in such a short time you do deserve some R&R.  Somewhere with flashing lights and cocktails? or somewhere quiet and meditative?


 Sorry about your pulls, lumps and bruises, that too is a part of being  caregiver sometimes.

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First of all Debbie, I wish you would stay off those ladders!  I am not about to do what you do.  What would Bruce do if you broke something?  I know, I know, you have Bruce spotting you and you can do it but just get Cliff or someone.  I have bruises myself all over legs and arms.  I don't know when or where I got them but they are the caregiver's badges.  


Slow down and take it easy - winter is coming.  So happy you got that snow plow guy so you won't be out there again doing snow removal.  


Go Cards.  We won again!



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Debbie, we are living parallel hectic lives!    But I will be getting gutter guards, so my risky gutter cleaning days are coming to an end.    I hope you can get something going like that soon, before you get a broken leg, arm, back, head, etc.   I'm happy that your winter prep is about thru, I will have to blog to tell where I am with all mine, just to keep track of my own life!

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Debbie. I know that Bruce is loving your retirement more than yourself. I am with Julie. Stay off of ladders. My son does not think that I should stand on chairs. We are older even if we do not feel or act it. Ruth


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