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random thoughts about life and suffering in general



I heard Elisabeth gilbert author of eat,pray & love talk with oprah on her super soul sunday, and something she said about suffering was so right on target. She was saying in life we all go through troubles in life & if we don't learn lesson from it then its just waste of pain. I so agree with it. her idea was any time something unpleasant happening in your life ask two questions what was my part in it ( so take responsibility for your action, so that next time you are mindful about it), and secomd question is what is this lesson trying to teach me. When you learn from your adversity then there is growth in you as a human being. I strongly feel taking responsibility for your actions & learning lessons from it brings immense self growth in person, and few years down the road you can look at the event & realize it made you the person you are proud of. another AHA moment for me.




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I do ask "what is this trying to teach me?" as I believe a lot of what happens to us we do bring on ourselves, by our actions or inaction.  I think of gaining weight, smoking, overeating, over exerting ourselves, neglecting to eat a good diet, working long hours etc.  We have a body that has limitations and if we overreach those limitations something has to give.

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Sue :


I so agree with you, and I also believe Everything happening in my life is for my own good, so even after stroke I see benefits it brought in my life. It made my marriage stronger than before and taught me never to give up, everything in my life is worth fighting for



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 Great point.  I know that everything that has happen to me, I have learned and I am a much better person.  I was stressing my body, eating the wrong foods, worrying over every little thing. I be rushing in from work, cooking,  tidying up the place, not getting it that I needed a home that my family and me needed to be relaxed in. My blood pressure high and I was not helping it!  My stroke, calmed me down, I  now  see that the things I used to rant and get crazy about, did not help my quality life!  now I am like is it really that important?  So I have plates in the  sink,  books on the sofa, so what, the house is clean.   I spent time with my grandkids, I be out side enjoying the fresh air and nature. My marriage a  lot  stronger. We have our issues  but we talk about them, not  shouting like before.  I am a much nicer person, who see's that life is too short.  So yes Asha , I have learn that life is worth fighting for.



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