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Quick update



So, have been missing for a while now. But I do try to check in every day and at least greet all our Newcomers.


Last week my family suffered the unexpected death of a beloved Cousin. He was 58. Had family coming in from all over and between the services and company at home, it was a very long week. Still it is always fun to be able to spend time with everyone. And Bruce and I had a lot of time with my sister, two of my brothers, Brittany and Izabella. Bruce was a real trooper. Long days and nights, but he was with us 100% of the time.


Things have been going very well since my retirement. We are getting so much done, but it is what we choose to do, not what has to be done. I am finding that I am not exhausted just getting out of bed in the morning. Yes, there are days that are difficult, but the level of stress is so reduced, I think we are dealing with problems better.


My work called in the middle of all this and asked if I could do some projects from home. The good thing about being with my brothers and sister was they advised me as to their suggestions to negotiate a new contract and that certainly was a positive outcome from what was a very difficult week. So my time here will continue to be short but will have some extra holiday dollars.


Bruce is doing well. Still baby steps - but at least forward movement. He loves me being home and is so excited about being a Grand-uncle again. He has been helping stockpile supplies for both Melissa and Ethan and Mary Beth and Dave. He reminded me that the Grandparents need supplies at home as well.


We have started planning for the holidays. Halloween was great. Lots of kids and great costumes. Bruce does love seeing all of them. Brittany had dressed Izabella and brought her up for dinner last Thursday with all the family that was here.


Our weather has been horrid. Nor'easter two weeks ago and pretty much the same over the weekend. Fortunately everyone got back home safely. Another cousin had done my gutters last week but after the weekend, all loaded up again and we still have one huge tree in the front that hasn't started to change yet - so gutter control continues. Julie has suggested that I try the mesh gutter covers next year. Our Contractor does not suggest the cap-type for us as the back roof does not get sun in the winter and roof would not be able to be raked efficiently with those types of gutter covers. But the difference is that I have time to problem solve rather than throwing a bandaid on an issue and hope it sticks.


So that is the news from the shack. Thank you for all the condolences. Debbie


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Debbie, so sorry to hear you've had another loss.   I don't know how any one deals with work and caregiving.   I can't even keep the insurance papers off my dining room table - too much paperwork, and I'm here all the time.    Since we have finished with therapy (after 2.5 years of dragging to it), I feel we have more time to be 'together' and have a 'normal' home life.   It feels like just us living our lives.    Before we were always so tired from running to therapy, and no time for house care, letting things go forever.


My roof and gutters are finally done, and I love watching the wind blow the leaves off the roof and gutter guards.    They are a mesh type also.   I will not be having to climb the ladder anymore for that one, but probably to clean the drip edge, I notice it is already getting spotty.   I can live with that, most of it won't show, just the part over the garage.    Still, will do it in good weather.    I always had to clean the gutters about every week at this time of year, and still would end up dipping hands in ice water before it was over with.   Our neighbor has the helmet type gutter guards and when there is a downpour, the rain shoots straight off it like a waterfall.    We always had water going BEHIND the gutters and it would dump right in front of the garage door and run in the garage.   That problem is finally solved!   WOOT!

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Sounds as if you are much more able to fit what you need to into a day now.  Condolences on the passing of your cousin, another one gone too soon. Glad you enjoyed Halloween, I did with 50 youngsters in our church hall. It is good to be on good terms with a heap of young folk.


(((Hugs))) to both, Sue.

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Debbie, even in retirement you are not letting any grass grow under your feet. lol  Or, should I say "leaves under your feet"?  


Take it easy and enjoy your retirement and I know Bruce does also.  It was nice to have company coming to visit albeit a sad time.  Hope Mary Beth enjoyed her "new bedroom". : )



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I can feel in your note a sense of being more settled. Removing the stresses that we can makes for a better life for all. It sounds like that has been true for you. I'm sure Bruce is much happier and even more secure to have you home with him. It seems like he has made some wonderful strides cognitively over the last year or so. He is engaged with all that is going on around him. So nice to see. I'm so sorry for the untimely loss of your cousin. It is so hard to lose our loved ones so early. 


I've been following the weather reports in the NE. Yikes. I sure hope you end up having a better winter this year than last. Not starting out that way, is it? Hopefully, the snow removal people will stay on board this time. 


Thanks for the update. Take care. ~~Donna

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All that talk about a big family sounds so wonderful and you are so lucky.  Will you adopt me?LOL! I know family stuff can be rough but it sounds like they are providing you with support and good advice. It is so nice to hear that retirement is less stressful which is healthy and wise. Enjoy.

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debbie i am so sorry to hear about your cousin. a young age as my husband was when passed.  i hop you n gary have a great time over the holidays,  that is always a stressful time in itself.  keep us updated on all of your activities,  i know bruce is enjoying all of it.



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Debbie, I've wondered that something had happened. So glad you're both OK. Sorry about your cousin. Isn't it sad and good that it takes a funeral to bring a family together? I see family at a death that I haven't seen in years. Enjoy your retirement, and give Bruce a big hug for me. He's doing so well!   Becky

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