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I'm Getting Therapy Now!



I got therapy twice a week but my walking is not good at all. My left leg is still paralyzed making it very hard for me to move my left foot and leg. I'm doing the best I can and hopefully in due time I will be walking much better. They stopped the OT until I can walk better then I will work on that for my left arm and hand.


I can still drive my car and I have a lady that comes in from 9am to 11am to help me with hygiene stuff and my feet I can't reach right now. So hopefully before too long I will be back on the board again!


Thanks for your comments everyone on my last blog and glad you all are doing OK!


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Fred: thank you so much for checking in with all of us. Prayers are sent your way every day and yes, we do miss you horribly. But you continue with your recovery. Kudos on what you have already accomplished. And awaiting your return. Debbie

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Thanks for letting us know! I don''t post too often since my mom died. But I hope to pick it back up more! Keep trying hard and you will eventually recover more. Take  care and my thoughts and prayers are still with you!

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I envy your ability to still drive a car. I miss it so much. I guess that you must love the freedom of getting in the car and going places. I am happy to hear that you are enjoying therapy and help at home. It sounds like things are going well for you and that the moment is fine indeed. I hope that you will continue to improve and it sounds like you are still fighting to improve so good for you. It is always nice to hear that things are going well for others and please know that you are not alone in the fight to have more physical freedom and mental peacefulness.

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Thanks for dropping by Fred, we all miss you and your blogs and supportive comments.   Take the time you need but know you are appreciated and loved by the Blog Community so make your way back here as soon as you can.



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Still recovering slowly and learning to walk and use my left side better. It's a slow go but I got more time than money!!


Thanks for your prayers, well wishes, and comments on my behalf.... I'm trying to get back on board soon!!!! 

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Here is hoping I will be back among all of you by the 15th of December when my medical recovery time will have ended and my right knee and leg is fully operational!! This operation lets me know I do not want to ever get a knee replacement!!It wasn't my knee so much as it was the tendons that tore away from the muscles on the top portion of my thigh right at the knee joint!!


I still got a few more days of therapy to complete then I will (should) be much better in taking care of myself but walking is going to be a big challenge for me no doubt about that!!


I thank ALL of you with all my heart.......You were there for me!!!!

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