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I've been called a wheelchair person



I was in a store waiting to pick up at the pharmacy and a woman went passed me with her cart and said to her companion that she didn't want to run into the wheelchair person. That was me sitting there holding my goods. I was shocked to hear that because I forget that the world sees the wheelchair before they see me, if they ever see me. So many people look to the person pushing me to answer for me or just to speak. Some people don't look down at me in the wheelchair. In visible. Then when I am not I am the wheelchair person. I hate that name. Who calls someone that?? I was silent but inside I was screaming at her and then later I said to myself I wish I had said something to her like I am not a wheelchair person I am a woman just simply a woman who just needs this chair because I can't walk very good. I am not married to this chair. I hate this chair but most days I am grateful I have it to get around in it. I am not getting the motor one but I am getting a walker for outside I hope. My Pt finally said I could get it after I have been using one in therapy. I can't get too far because I tire out so easily but it feels wonderful to walk around even if it is with a walker. Anyhow the nifty red one looks better than the two wheel they gave me in the hospital. it saves me though because when the pain gets so bad then the vertigo gets going and I need to rely on it. i am so embarrassed so it is bittersweet to be out in public in my little area and run into people. I am feeling weird too kinda jealous that they go on in their real lives in real pretty shoes, I agonize for a minute over the shoes and that they are just where they were successful and I am here in noman'sland. Am I really seeing this and smiling and answering that I am doing fine? OMG did I say fine again? Or then there is the just awkward looking that says yes this is me so don't pretend you don't recognize me and I won't speak so we don't have to pretend something. I am out in a drugged state so it is all fine. Somewhere in here I am suffering so badly and no one hears my screaming because I just readjust my scarf and smile and then I go show off by standing up and pushing this wheelchair with my sloppy shuffle but it feels too good to stand up tall again. Life is much better standing tall I have decided. I want my new red walker they say I probably won't get the insurance to pay for but I am going to see if I can get one anyway. I am thrilled that I am here at the new stage of talking about how to walk better and properly and for longer distances. I thought I would never get here and now here I am. I sometimes wobble in on someone's arm but I usually need some real support.


The things people say that hurt me and I don't think they even think twice about it, And then the stares and sometimes the smiles. I especially appreciate it when someone smiles my way as I am walking. I hate that attention but that feels like a cheering section. Then there are those that wave. I love that and I swear I want to go give that person a hug.

It is lonely down here in the wheelchair where people don't look and I feel invisible and forgotten. I don't whine too much now that life has passed me by and I sit here like this because now I am feeling that I really did cheat death and I may not even have been given this time at all. That is hitting me hard now and part of it is fear now of another stroke as time goes by.Or maybe I am just grateful that i have this time and i look for the gold buried in this time like I get to menu plan for real now and we do cook together when there is time and there is more time now and I am here just so glad to be here looking at old pictures and not forgetting my life long time ago. Then i clean up and go do homework. My tie to the present.


Ok so now I hope to be WALKER WOMAN soon (sigh).


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Yes, go and be WALKER WOMAN, good for you!  I have friends in wheelchairs and I only think of them as Heather, Jean and Pam.  Heather is a chaplain, Jean is an artist and Pam tells jokes, slowly and surely she builds up to the punchline and I am laughing like a fool in the shopping centre eatery.


As a caregiver, a pusher of wheelchairs I was invisible too as a lot of people assumed I was a paid worker and so not to be included in a conversation.  I would lean forward with my hand out and say: "Sue, Ray's wife, I don't believe we've met yet?" It caused some embarrassment but usually the person said hello to me as well as Ray next time. 



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Betsy :


you write so beautifully Somehow people think if you are in wheelchair you have lost your intelligence too lol they think u have stopped hearing too lol. you get that walker not for them, but for your own recovery. I feel we all human being are spiritual beings having human experience, and we all are here on earth school to learn our life lessons which are kindness compassion & unconditional love.  I feel for me stroke has been good learning lesson. I was so rushing through life without noticing small things that makes life worth living. I was taking so many ordinary things for granted well not any more. hope you just forgive person who made thoughtless comment.



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Guest lwisman


Betsy -


When I encounter this situation I remember that most people will be in a wheelchair, walker, or be forgetful at some point. Or a loved on will. Their day will come!


I remember when the medical staff first wheeled in a wheelchair when I was in bed in the hospital with my stroke. My immediate response was positive. I thought being able to get out of bed and move around in the wheelchair was a great idea. The wheelchair was my friend.


BTW, I now walk with a rollator which I think is easier than a walker.


Good luck to you! No one hear thinks you do not exist!!

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Thank you!

Ah yes it is the rollator they ordered for me. I also really like the three wheeler but I am told that I need better balance for that one and it doesn't come with a seat thingy to rest so that won't work for me. I just think they are cute too. Well something to think about graduating to in time.


Yes I don't think it was malicious at all so I can forgive the woman because she was kind in not running into me LOL!


My wheelchair has given me access to the world outside my walls so you would think I would be kinder to the monster!


Thanks again for listening to my ravings and for the better insight. Thank you for seeing me.

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Me thinks you are feeling too sensitive. Let's look at it from a different angle. Perhaps the lady had some aphasia issues of her own and she was describing you the best way she could think of. Her main concern was that she not run into you and wanted to give you the clearance and understanding you needed. Perhaps she had spent her share of time in a wheelchair and simply wanted to make sure that your needs were met first. I have been in a wheelchair, used a hemi walker, have hung on to a companion's arm and walked unassisted. I feel safest in a wheelchair. I get more respect and compassion in a wheelchair. When i walk unassisted i have been mistaken for being drunk which i just laugh off because i wish i could walk drunk or i wish i could have a stiff drink. When you are in a wheelchair people clear a path for you. When i am walking on my own, no one clears a path for me. I bump into everyone and apologize a thousand times. I look no one in the face because iam too busy watching out for obstacles and focusing on maintaing my balance. I need a clear path but no one sees my needs. I've considered carrying a cane just so others will know that i am disabled and will allow me a little latitude. A wheelchair doesn't define you as a person but it helps define that you have additional needs that need to be respected, kind of like being 9 months pregnant. I wish i could have had a cute walker with a seat but since my left arm is paralyzed i couldn't use one and i had to use one of those institutional looking hemiwalkers but i truly wanted something cuter that had a basket for my stuff and a seat and maybe a cupholder. I do enjoy the motorized carts when i am shopping but i get reckless and run into shelves and knock down displays. The aisles are never wide enough for me and my shenanigans. Betsy, we need to lighten up sometimes and put the shoe on the other foot. Often people want to help but feel awkward and don't know what is the best thing to do or say to help. I feel privileged when strangers try to watch out for me. And i like being able to go to the front of the line or sit in the front row at the theatre. Love and hugs to you. Together we will make it thru this. ;)

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