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Update on my fatigue



I don't know if any of my family and/or friends read this/my blog so I'm not sure if I will continue with it or not but since it's been awhile since my last post, here's a bit of an update...Regarding the fatigue in my earlier posts, in actuality, it's not fatigue, it's all day drowsiness. Today I was awake at 6 AM and up and dressed and had breakfast (which included coffee) by 8:30 AM. By 9:30 AM, I was so drowsy-sleepy that I headed back to bed for a nap. I slept for 4 hours (10 AM to 2 PM - awakened by my alarm to take my afternoon medications). I wanted to go back to sleep (I feel the desire to sleep forever, literally) and tried for another couple of hours without success :-( It's now 5:30 PM and I'm starting to drowse again. ------- All very boring, huh?


I got to tell you, I think I now understand, why Michael Jackson purportedly begged his doctor for 'propofal' to help him to sleep. I've had 'propofal' for surgical anesthesia and it does induce a good sleep; which sounds good to me right about now!


I met with a sleep specialist in November and and he gave me some interesting information...I had an MRI of my brain done this past July and it shows there's scar tissue forming at the location of the stroke I had in 2013. It just so happens to be in the part of the brain that controls one's sleep/wake cycle. The doctor said that the scar tissue can cause tugging on the healthy tissue surrounding it which could be the cause of the seizure I had in August, as well as possibly causing a form of narcolepsy. I'll be having a 2-day sleep study next week for them to get a better look at what might be happening. I just want to sleep, so this is OK with me!


Maybe I'll get answers and maybe I'll get a solution to correct things (fingers-crossed).


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Good afternoon My Lady;

  First of all plz do not stop blogging, it's great therapy, for you and my!  I hear you when you talk about sleeping.  I get so tired in the early afternoon that I have to sleep. period!  While my stroke happened several decades ago the scar tisseu is still a reality.  The Dr. was right.  My seizures didn't start until 14 years after when I was 24 but they came on like a bang.  It is something I have to live with.

  Thank you for your comment Rose and don't give up on being a part of Stroke Network.  :) 

Ed (a 44 year Survivor)

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Thank you for writing about this. I feel so guilty that I am so sleepy and I keep thinking it is the meds. I even get so sleepy that I nod out in public when I am out. It is awful and I was thinking I was in a messed up sleep wake cycle due to hormones or something. I am going to the neurologist and my doc soon and I am going to ask about this since I read your blog. It makes sense that this is a brain thing. I wonder if my problems is same. I wonder what can be done to help. I figured that the meds were doing it and I have to take them so I do drink coffee every day to try and stay awake. I do like to sleep now more than ever but I want to live life not sleep through it. For me I need pain relief and the sleepiness I figured was the price to pay for relief but it drives me nuts to be sleepy all the time. Then I am up at odd hours and can't go to sleep. My sleep hygiene needs serious attention.

I am so glad you posted!  I hope you find answers for yourself and that you share your story more often,

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