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Everything happens for a reason



It all started last Wednesday. My job coach picked me up at 8am and on the way to the library, I realized I'd had more seizures in my sleep that morning. I had a little breakdown but did my work for the job coach. When I got back to my apartment and my therapist arrived, I completely lost it. I was crying and telling her "I can't live like this." Since I threatened to harm myself and she didn't know what I would do after she left, she had to call 911. I called my apartment manager and she rushed to my apartment to let me cry in her arms until the EMTs arrived then she called my dad to let him know what happened. I stayed the night in the Emergency Department I believe then I went back to my dad's house.


Thursday I seen my neurologist. He started me on depakote for seizures. Friday I was so sick. I just felt so depressed. I barely ate but I threw up everywhere. Saturday I felt better physically after throwing up but I still felt so depressed I barely ate anything. Sunday I slept all day, I didnt eat anything all day and I just wanted to die so bad. My dad took me back to the hospital and I requested to go back to the psych ward like I did in November. I found out that my depakote levels were too high. Monday I slept all day again, did not go to any group therapy sessions and didnt even get out of bed to see my dad because I didnt want to be a burden to him.


Tuesday I started to feel better and today I feel like a new person. The doctors decreased my depakote and klonapin and started me on seroquel I believe to help me sleep as needed. I got discharged from the hospital on Thursday. It was such a better experience this time. I got some great coping mechanisms, I was able to request a new therapist, and I inspired other suicidal people with epilepsy during group sessions. Most of all, I have not cried or had any seizures, panic attacks or anxiety attacks since Sunday!


It's so weird like this is what life feels like wow. My dad said yesterday that I act the way I acted before I moved to Charlotte. No fear, no anxiety, no sadness. Im just living life. I know its only been 2 days since I got discharged from the hospital but I believe I finally got the help I needed. My medications seem to be balanced out now and I learned great mechanisms for getting through tough moments. I didn't even go back to my dad's house. When I left the hospital I came straight to my apartment, did some more training with my job coach that night, and yesterday I ran errands with my dad all day. It's kind of surreal. I am so glad I listened to my body and went back to the Emergency Department. I have not felt this "normal" in such a long time :)


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I'm sorry your body isn't behaving, my incontinence is flaring up again. I don't know why and it makes me feel so out of control. Yay for up and coming normalcy!

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I'm really happy that you had a good hospital experience. You mentioned Charlotte. Is that where you live? If so you are in a city that has a lot of very good medical care. We live in the Charlotte area too and my wife has had some excellent stroke treatment here. The bottom line is that you are in a place where help is available and I am glad that you availed yourself of it. As you can tell by perusing this forum, many people live in remote areas where the kind of help available to you is essentially inaccessible as a practical matter. So you are lucky, believe it or not.  I realize that your problems are very hard on you as a young person but I think it is important to focus not on what you have lost but on what you have kept or regained. You come across here as a young woman with a good mind and a knack for writing with feeling and clarity. That is talent that not everyone has. It's good that you found this forum because it gives you the opportunity to use your writing and critical thinking skills. Keep looking for other things that you do well and develop them too. I'm sure there are a lot of them to be found. Whatever you do, don't allow the dark cloud of depression to engulf and consume you. If you feel it rolling in, get in touch with someone who can help ward it off and do so without delay. It's good that you were with the right person when your recent bout of depression arrived and it is even better that you got treatment that seems to have worked very well. I hope you are as thrilled as your dad is. It's something worth celebrating.

Good luck. And hang in there.


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I m so glad you got right treatment after few frustrated earlier tries I strongly feel in life there will be always wall to stop you from things you want it is not there to discourage you I think it is there for us to sharpen our perserverence skills when you persist and don't give up you find a way congratulations happy for you

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Hey Katrina,

Well done!

Drugs that are designed to help sometimes can cause more trouble so I am so glad they got it sorted out. Often emotions take on a life of their own too and that can be scary. During suffering it isn't not normal to want to be put out of misery--like that double negative there--but it certainly is a cry for help from body and soul. Thank heavens you have a wonderful instinctive self-advocate inside of you that rescues you as well as an awesome Dad and supportive people in the community. As a parent I can say that I would worry if you didn't ask for help every time you needed it but I do say I am proud that you are more independent now too. Juggling around meds is a frustrating thing. It is good you keep on top of what your body tells you.


I am so glad you feel better and back to the YOU. It is so hard to deal with seizures that interrupt, intrude, and invade. I hope that you go on and do what you want to do and defy them. You are a beautiful young woman inside and out and certainly an inspiration everywhere you go. I am wishing you well.

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Katrina, you believe in God and you know what He can do for anyone at anytime, so keep the faith, the real light is just ahead of you to live in total peace...



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