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Things Change



I have been a tourist these days getting out of the house into the warm sun and going places again. I cut my meds in half too which has been working to my surprise. I have to deal with pain though but I have to balance out having more mind or more pain. I have had a ball out after christmas sale shopping and going places that are not as crowded in January. I am not done yet either. I plan on a few more places on my wish list. I don't have my walker yet but I have been getting out with the cane. I pay for it later if I overdo it.


I have changed my primary doctor now and I am waiting to go to the new one which is in a major university hospital and I have high hopes. I will need to get a new neuro and new PT and everything. I will even be able to use the pharmacy there. It is going to be all in one big happy family there so I can get the referrals hopefully. I have one more meeting with the old pcp and a case manager from my insurance co is going to meet me there in order to get some paperwork signed so that I can get my walker that was recommended by PT months ago and other things like signing preauths for meds and insulin pens with these teenytiny needle tops. I had an appt this past week and the called and said must reschedule due to dr not coming in and then in the morning they called and said can you get here now the doc is in. They also claim to have sent my insurance co all this stuff to get me what I want and need and the insurance co says nope never seen the stuff. So I asked if someone from the insurance company might accompany me to the appointment in order to physically pick up the stuff that seems to be devoured by the fax monster all the time and to my surprise they said they would do it! I am very pleased indeed. Complaining comes naturally to me and it always irks me the easy way people just lie lie lie. I had to wait two hours for a shuttle one time and then I filed a grievance and the letter came and said the dispatcher said they picked me up in ten minutes. LOL. I wasn't out for money I just thought they should know what a lousy shuttle service they were using. In any case I am not put off by all that. I believe we all must keep them accountable and not stand for shabby treatment that insults our dignity. But I do know when it is time to shake off the dust and move to the next township. I hope to get some of these loose ends tied up at the next and last appt with the insurance rep. So what does that say when the insurance rep is the advocate for goods and services LOL aren't they supposed to be the ones trying to wiggle out of things LOL.


It is like Spring around here in fact the flowers are fooled and are blooming. That has increased my need to get outside and breathe fresh air. I tend to try everyone's patience wanting to go go go. I always was a goer outer. That was my cure for depressed thoughts to just go out someplace and sit on a patio for some lunch after a day of walking on the beach or pier or being out on a boat. I don't do the boat now too scary and bouncy for me and my vestibular stuff. The world is unbalanced enough and I never have sea legs now. I can't even stand the thought of going on a lake for heaven's sake. It doesn't matter though because friends don't even invite me out to their homes anymore. So many have gone off radar. I decided to hardly notice and to just get out with family now and go to tourist places no one knows us and we just go around awhile. I don't have to face the looks of pity then. It is nice to just go out and I am now ME and no other has ever existed. I am also determined to not allow my life to become just one big medical appointment life. I want to do something else too other than just be a patient.


I am going to class on Monday.


I have discovered two new teas: Love tea which is lavender, rose,and camomile. The other one is called African Nectar tea. That one is good as iced tea and hot tea. Wowee it is my favorite of the two. I buy them at Jimbo's which has a large tea section. I make huge pitcher of passionfruit iced tea and I sweeten it or add lemonade like at the big coffee chain store. can I name that on here? I am now always interested in food. I organize the shopping and pantry stocking. I menu plan for the first time in my entire life. I never had time. I bought stuff and then just grabbed it out and said ok so here it this and that so lets make this. Since the kids were grown honestly I worked and went out to eat or grabbed to go so often. I miss that. I miss having a craving for it and then just driving out to go get it. Now I can't drive and it takes a negotiation or finding someone free to take me. So now I stock the pantry.But lucky me I found some new teas. Tonight is fish for dinner. I live for seafood. I make a mean tartar sauce. I can't cook like I used to either. It is frustrating to not be queen of the kitchen now. I try sometimes but I need so much help with it all.


The boring has become exciting in my small bubble world LOL.


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I am a big foodie so I have the same problem with not having the ability to spontaneously get stuff. Luckily I've always hoarded food and pre-empt my cravings. I'm gonna look for that first tea, it sounds good. What class do you have Monday?

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May please tell you while reading your blog,honestly,I felt like a pink ribbon winding its way through every word. You exude happiness in your words whether upset or depressed. That isn't something you might expect to read after everything you just wrote but it was a pleasant experience.  I just wanted to share that.

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Glad you are blogging Pam.  Each blog adds something to our experience of life so we learn from each other.  I agree with Kelli, some happiness shines through.

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Thanks Sue I really appreciate your listening and sharing your thoughts with me and for everyone who has shared with me thank you. It really has helped to be a part of this community.


It surprises me that happiness shines anywhere around me and are you sure that just isn't my sunny so cal weather sneaking in? Thanks ladies you bring me smiles and hugs and I appreciate it.

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