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Three dogs and over time and William



My time is gone. No time for anything. My crazy job wants us to work an extra 20 hours a week. That is really crimping my lifestyle. Mycaretaker is doing the pool workout with William. That gives me time to do my own workout after work. So my day starts at 3am. I am up and walk the dogs. I get ready for work and get there a little after 4 am. This is part of the Ot. I am scheduled for 6:30am. I do Medicare prescription insurance prior authorization. I stay until 3pm. I get home and go to the pool for me them walk the dogs and get dinner and visit with william and hit the bed by 8pm.

I stress to william that he needs to continue his swimming pool exercises. He usually does this daily. I do miss the network. I miss the daily check in, but the dogs are like having three little babies.

They are really good for William. I can hear him visiting with the dogs all the time. The time they take is worth it.

My psoriasis really flared up in November. I got a cold or allergies that took two months to get uver. So I took myself off my Enbrel. I had a shingles shot during that time. But my skin...it is really bad. But hopefully in a couple of months it will be better. I look like I have leprosy. Luckily we have a pretty mild winter in Houston. But William still hates cold weather.

I got crazy and started crotcheting and knitting hats and scarves, My dogs really wanted to bother me because they wanted to play.

I am still enjoying my job (minus the over time) and the dogs are fun. I am trying to teach the dogs to sit and shake hands. My neighbor is teaching me how to do this.

No trips. Actually I have started back to short ones. William said that he wanted to go with the church group on a short bus trip to an port two hours away. It went well. Out next one will be to a live theater production, I just noticed that circque de solil will be here in February. I need to get tickets because it will be very close and they have good handicap access. They haven't been here for the last two years. Houston is large and sometimes they are here but not right in our back yard area. I only go if they are at this location.

I do miss you all. I love reading your blogs


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Hey Ruth, it's good to here from you and William. I got my grand daughter's little dog all day while she is in school, 6th grade and I take her most days when my wife has to be at work early...


The dog and I are on the scooter going around the block when it's warm enough and that gives her time to run and exercise on the lease... She loves everybody we meet on the sidewalk but will bark at the other dogs like she is the big bad dog and she only weighs 11 pounds...


I been doing pretty good but a recent knee operation to tie my tendons back to my muscle in my right knee and thigh together... You'll be ready for Tax Time with all the overtime you are getting, you should do OK!!! Take care I hope to see you all soon...

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Good to hear from you again Ruth.  Don't work too hard we want you to be well.  I have psoriasis too and know it only goes mad when I am doing to much so slow and steady is better healthwise than trying to fit too much in. See if you can get a neighbour teen to walk your dogs if you need to take a break from that.


We do miss you in chat, so maybe on your next break you can drop in and chat with us?  Always good to hear from you about your life with William and your dogs.

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Ruth: thank you so much for checking in. And yes, I echo Sue, we all do miss you. But right now you seem to be stretched awful thin - LOL. Go easy, honey. Love to William, of course. Kisses and hugs to the little puppies. Think of you often. Debbie

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