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One Wobbly Step After Another



Anyone who has lost a pet must know the grief that has befallen me this week with the death of my beloved cat, Rocky. I had Rocky for 14 years. I won't trivialize her or her passing with all the usual platitudes. Suffice it to say, I'm struggling to take one step then another and another. Tears flow at the thought of her and still I move one foot in front of the other again and again and; I am reminded of the struggle and strength and tears it took for me to learn to take that first step after my stroke. Then I had to learn to live without as well, but then it was without the use of half of my body. My memories of Rocky will always live inside me as will the memories of having use of my whole body. I will always know the taste of the grief of these losses.


If history serves I will also know, once again, that each step forward gets a bit easier, a bit less wobbly as long as I'm willing to take that step. If I allow it, I am certain I will be swallowed up by grief. I know I'm not headed in that direction no matter how forced my actions need to be right now because last week I began scheduling my "One Hand Can Cook!" presentations again for stroke support groups and rehab facilities. If I reach out my hand someone will take it. In offering support I receive it.


I am grateful for the years I had with Rocky and for the strength I have to keep putting one foot in front of the other.


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Sorry for your lose. Having Rocky for 14 yrs, that is like losing a family

member. Like you said, you still have to put one foot in front of the other.

Life goes on, you still have your memories, that is what keeps us fighting



God bless



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our cats are our companions, our very close companions.  I have lost 2 and is the only time of my life that I cried.


take care,



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Losing a pet you have had for a long time is hard, the only time I have heard my husband sobbing on the phone was in 1995 when our little dog died.  We travel the same road with them as a companion and that makes it really hard when they are no longer by our side. Sorry for the loss you have had with Rocky's passing.

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I hear you and so sorry for your loss but that is just how family goes when we got our pets to think about when they leave us here...


May God bless you as my little dog stops now to wait for me to catch up before she goes very far the way I'm walking now since I got my knee operated on a few months ago... 

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We recently lost our dog who was 16. It was much harder than I expected. We were out of town and she died in her sleep which was better than having to make the choice of euthanizing.

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Sorry for the loss of Rocky! We have a Jack Russell Terrier who was in my garage with me when my stroke happened, her and I are very close. We are trying to pick a "right" day to have her euthanized, she has a tumor on her belly and bleeds every time she pees. we don't want to lose her so we keep putting off the day, but it will be by the end of this week. My condolences to you!

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I want to thank everyone for their thoughtful and kind words. They have helped to ease my burden some as I navigate my way through my grief. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost a pet or has to face a loss in the near future. There is no truer statement than "it is hard."

Thank you and God bless.

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As a hopeless animal lover, especially dogs, I truly feel your pain. Your cat clearly provided a lot that you needed. I personally have found that when you lose a beloved pet it is good to replace it fairly quickly so that the void gets filled as best it can. Good luck to you.

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