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Oh No not again!!



Well I've been under stress because I'm staying at my ex husbands with our son and life seems to be like it always has been so in a strokies head it's confusing. So I was at home ( aka parents house) and bent down to pick up something that fell and when I stood up, my pulse began to race. Ok No biggie. I've had this happen many times and seen a cardiologist and got the OK heart is 'strong like bull' and put my on a low dose of meds to keep it slow (runs in the family) and she taught me tricks to slow it down. Ok Did the grunting push like I'm trying to push out a baby.. extend stomach...hold breath and count.. Ok not working. SO i called my mom to check my BP. ( former nurse so we ALL have fancy gadgets) trouble is she cant find a pulse. Reasons found later, it was beating to fast. I mean I just went through this it seems like months ago. Had to go to ER and pulse them was around 250ish. So I'm telling my son and father, who stayed behind, I'm feeling fine. A little out of breath but joking with my mom. Got to the ER told the receptionist I was having rapid heart rate and I have stroke in my history. She told me to wait in the waiting room. I was floored because last time I was rushed back to triage ASAP. About 5 minutes later, not bad, I was called back ( no one in waiting) and the triage nurse checked my vitals. Well this time It was 220, Still high. O2 was about 88% for I was starting to breath more shallow. I was whisked back to ER and all the goodies were pulled out. The doctor came back and asked 'What do i remember about the last time I was in?' I laughed and said, with my eyes closed for they were REALLY bouncing,'I was alright until the pulled out the crash cart' as I said that I opened my eyes and there in front of me was the crash cart. We all laughed as I said I was going to close my eyes again.


I was prepped for a a shot to stop and restart my heart. I now know how scary it is for someone having a heart attack. It's painful when the heart stops. Last time when I had the shot, I was more out of it because the lack of blood getting to my head. All i know is the team was telling me to breathe for when the pain came over me, my eyes opened wide and I'm sure I had the look of fear is my eyes. But after they did that. I was fine. They came and took blood samples and all came back fine and I REALLY wanted to go home. I mean my mom made her famous chicken pot-pie. I was never so happy when they said I could go home.



And yes I loved the pot-pie =)


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I'm so glad you are safe. Scary stuff there. These are the times when you are so grateful for ER's, right? It sounds like everyone, including you, acted perfectly in the situation. Hope you stay heart healthy from here on out! ~~Donna

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Oh my, I've never heard of that before!  I'm sorry you had to go thru such a thing... on the other hand it worked!    Life is such a mixture of the good and the bad, one often has trouble deciding how to take something.   I'm so glad to hear you are doing well after :)

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