Ken the FALL

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On 2/21/15 I went to a basketball game with another stoke survivor then we went to grad a bit to eat at a local grill. On the way out of the restaurant I slip and fell and broke my right arm. I went to the ER on Sunday morning after not getting much sleep and I was in a lot of pain. I broke my right humerus bone right by the ball were it goes into the shoulder no cast sling.


Have to use my weak side the left to do everything first couple of days were tuff it took awhile to put pants and socks on. Making meals was an advanture as was eating all with my left hand, spilling and dropping happened a lot. I have a checkup on Friday to see how the arm is but first a friend of mine is a lawyer so I called him and told him what happened and he cam over. We talked about what happened went to the site took pictures of were I fell and of my arm and all the black and blue swelling. He is going to send them a letter and we will see will that happens. I also had to let my work know what happened I work for three different departments clinic, rehab and addministrations so I call each boss and told them. Then I told HR and they sent me New York State disability paper work that my doctor and I had to fill out.


Went for my checkup on Friday waited two hours to be seen, this is a very big hospital have to wait. Doctor looked at arm it is broken about three inches down from were it goes into the shoulder, he gave me meds and filled out paper work. He told me I cannot go back to work till 6/1/15. I have a great family and friends that help me when needed but I like to do thing for myself this was one heck of a week but it is over and I am starting to get a routine down and my left side is doing more I typed this all with my bad hand.




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Ken you are a real survivor.  To type your blog with your affected hand is quite an achievement.  I hope all goes well and the healing is well under way.

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You and I are in the same boat except I didn't break mine but using my right arm is difficult now from the sprain in the shoulder... It's hard to get my shirt on and all my other clothes too...I ride my exercise bike to keep my paralyzed leg working... A lady comes out all week to help me get things done except Saturday and Sunday....


I already had my knee and thigh operated on to tie the tendons back to my muscles in the thigh back together... That was a very hard fall on the shuttle bus, the steps are so darn high...

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Putting  clothes on is tuff I have a routine down put it takes awhile and I have to be careful with my arm and shoulder. Sorry to hear about your fall glad you can still exercise that is the one thing I really miss my left side gets very stiff but by using it more I feel it is improving.


Thanks Sandy and Sue for your thoughtful messages.

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wow Ken this is a hard time here but please take this time to rest and heal. Getting help when you need it is important.  They fix me up some cut up fruits and salads I can serve myself or some things to just heat up like leftovers lasagna is my fav. Anyhow who needs to get dressed now just lounge robe will do.  I am glad you could come home and that it is going to heal up just fine in time.  I know how it feels that uselessness creeps in on my when I am not doing  I guess we are not a culture that can be just being  we always have to be moving.  So please give yourself permission to relax and heal and read or watch that movies wish list and just be a king for a few months.  you will be back to exercising and working in no time.

I hope the lawyer will find out what you tripped on and help the place make it safer so no one else has to suffer.  At least nothing shattered or had to be pinned in surgery.  you bounced ken.  speedy recovery and go have a nice stacation.  Don't sweat the clothes.

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