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opinions please



So my 60(ish) day evaluation was today and it did not go well. Apparently I'm not friendly enough and I don't help my coworkers enough. I can't say I'm surprised - I think they've been looking for ways to get rid of me that can't be blamed on my disability. They did ask if I might still be interested in the severance package that was offered last year and I told them that I might be. I emailed HR today with some of the questions I wanted answered if I'm going to consider it seriously.


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I don't have any advice as i have never been in this situation.  I would say "go with your heart" as that always applies to me.  Do ask the questions, make sure you are not being disadvantaged and then do whatever you decide to do.

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mctrouble :


I also tried going to work & saw attitude of my coworkers & spervisor change towards me, I realized going to work once a week was bringing more stress than joy. I realized quickly in privte sector if ever there was crunch time my job will be first on chopping block & I won't even get my disability benefits which I was entitled to, so I made decision to go & take my llong term disability & SSDI. one of the best decision I did for our family. ofcourse I had hard time after to get adjusted to my new life since I never knew how much of my self worth was attached to money I made. but today looking back it was one of the best decision I did for my family. So do what feels right for you & your family. things will work out in your favor



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My gut is telling me to haul a$$ and get the heck out of there. Today I was told that I'm spending too much time away from my desk talking to people about non work things and keeping them from doing their work. I've never worked with such a bunch of back stabbing, juvenile, petty people before - that place should be sued for being a hostile work environment.

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It's interesting that they say you are not friendly enough but then criticize you for talking to people. Sorry you are going through this. Best wishes as you consider your options. ~~Donna

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Hang on in there and see what gives then you can make your best decision based on what you know and feel about being there... Just my opinion you asked us to give!!!!

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Thanks everybody - I'm waiting to see what HR says about a severance package but my gut is telling me to get out of there before they work up to firing me cuz I'm pretty sure that's where this is headed.

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