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saved the best for last



I am still doing good. I can't even remember all of the stuff I've been doing. For about a week I think I went somewhere everyday. I did go to the brain injury support group. We watched a video on invisible disabilities. I met some nice people. That week I also went to a holistic health expo. I met a guy from Medtronic I think that had a display on deep brain stimulation. He gave me the names of a couple of good neuromuscular doctors at Duke. When I called, I found out I already had an appointment. Unfortunately my dad could not drive me to Raleigh yesterday so I had to reschedule for August. Hopefully I will be able to go before then. I see my neurologist in a few weeks.


Now that Im not worried about seizures and panic attacks, Im back to focusing on my weak side I guess. I posted a picture of me on the Young Stroke Survivors group on facebook. My arm was so bent and I get tired of holding it for pictures. I just want it to be straight. Also, I bought some new shoes. After spending 3 hours in the shoe store I settled on the only shoes I found that I could walk in with my AFO. Unfortunately I later discovered that my foot came out of both shoes when I was walking. I tried wearing them with out the AFO but I had to walk really slow and since my feet pronate, I don't like the way I was walking on the inside of my foot. So these are the things I want to bring up to the doctor. The tone in my upper body and fixing my foot.


Last week my therapy ended. At first I was sad and scared knowing that I won't have a therapist on call 24/7 but I went to a support group with my church on Saturday and they told me about some good therapists in the area so I will call around when I feel like I need it. Right now I don't because I am so grateful! I have so much energy. I got my appetite back and gained 10 pounds AND I got 2 part time jobs! I start in a couple weeks. I will be a mediator for the county. I also met a lady at the park who not only invited me to her church to tell my testimony but also wants me to tutor/mentor her granddaughter. It's so wonderful. One day I was feeling sad and lonely so I walked to the park to be around other people, she sat on a bench and started talking to me, I went to her church to share my testimony, and now she wants to pay me to help her granddaughter when I'm not at work. I am just beyond grateful for the progress I have made!


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My therapy ended on Saturday, 23 May and I'm OK can walk some but still paralyzed on left side making it hard to walk moving my left foot... I must still use my scooter when I go out or long distances or appointments....


We are survivors!!!! That's the best in our lives in my opinion...

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Katrina :


I am glad you are feeling better & have lined up jobs for you. I am so happy & proud of you. BTW with your seizures I will be careful with any brain stimulation. I feel wanting more recovery is good but have to weight its advantages & disadvantages







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Ok so I totally understand the shoe thing disappointment.  the right pair of shoes makes all the difference.  I am wondering if there is someone who could fit your foot to the right shoes? It is frustrating when shoes don't work out.

I am impressed that you went out and sought new adventures when you felt sad and lonely.  We just never know who we will run into when we go out there in the world and what that road will lead to. You have so much to offer and so glad that new opportunities have opened up for you.  I am so glad you had an opportunity to explore new things in the recovery arena and I know you will investigate and run it by your family and neurologist before deciding to embark on any path. 

I am so impressed that you are sharing your testimony because public speaking is a real calling and talent.  Congrats on the 10 pounds! I am glad things are working out so well for you. Keep holding on.

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Katrina, nice blog. It is good to find company when you are lonely and your going to the park had a good result as well.  I get ;lonely sometimes and do the same thing, go where people are.  You are in a good place right now, long may it continue.

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