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have you heard the news??? its summertime, and time to go for a walk



well its that time again ?that's right time to dust off your walking shoes. the sun is shining , its hot outside, and you have made it through another season , so get going enjoy your life . if youcan go for a walk? by all means go for a walk . get outside , and meet the people outside your house, just remember whatever you are able to do it , please do it . not for my sake but for you!!!!! just want you to know that it is a very nice weather here in Vancouver, so I am out and about going for a walk. tring to do my new;ly exercise, I am still going to physiotherapy, and to massage therapy, and to strokeclub , still tring to keep busy since summer is here. just wanted to say hi , and I wanted to let you know that I am still here I hope that you are taken advantage of this great weather that we are having!!!!1 let me know how you are doing? and what have you been up to? all the best to you have a wonderful day today and ev eryday forever and ever, and please enjoy the summer. your friend lenny


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Lenny, I know you are in Canada but I figured you would be watching the baseball games on TV,  not out walking around the neighborhood...


Well, I get outside twice each day if it's not raining with my little dog that belongs to my grand daughter so I go around the block and several streets over from my house with her walking until she gets tired then she sits on the scooter for the long ride back home, but we both enjoy it for exercise and I find money daily where people drop it getting in or out their cars not paying attention....

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Hello Lenny, a great blog. Since i live in Florida, I go for a walk everyday, loving it, that is what keeps me up for the rest of the day. So you are in

Canada? Sounds like you are enjoying it. Take care Lenny keep on lifting up people.


God bless



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