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time flies fast



I need to check in. I have been lax. We have been doing well. William is still doing his therapy in the water. He does 5 days of the week with our caretaker and I do Saturdays. The three dogs are such a joy. They really pick up William's spirits. If he is confused the dogs seems to calm him down and he gets less confused. HE starts to think of the dogs rather than his problems. I am still working and I enjoy it. It is nice to have the freedom to leave home and go to work.

We have settled into a routine. The only thing that I insist on is water therapy. Wm can do what ever else he wants. We did go out to see the movie "The War Room". Wm understood and enjoyed that movie. Our most recent fad is having popcorn. But, I am still insisting that wm try to eat an apple a day. Wm has really lot a lot of weight. Just a diet change that he made himself. He blood pressure meds have really been cut down.

A TV program on sugar...made him decide that sugar is not his friend. But, that is good. I do end up taking wm out to eat a lot. This is a fun outing and Wm enjoys eating and seeing the world outside our house.


Wm is sleeping in bed. I need to go and wake him up. Otherwise he will be up at midnight 1AM or 2AM. That is hard on me since I get up at 4AM to get to work at 6AM.


Miss you all.



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Ruth we miss you too, in the Blog Community and in Caregiver Chat.  I know yo have a busy life and outside of work William is your main priority which is how it should be.  I am glad he is enjoying the dogs and that they have a calming effect on him.


I am also glad he has taken charge off his diet, I need to cut down on sugar too, I should really look into the sugar content of some of the things I eat.  Thanks for the heads up.

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You still got the Shih Tzu?? The little Princess my grand daughter has just had six puppies on Labor day morning early in the closet they were due on the ninth but came 2 days early on the 7th.... They are getting bigger but eyes are still closed while mom feeds them when the make noise she comes running...

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Ruth - so glad to hear from you and thank you for the update on your lives. You and William are certainly busy, but both doing well. And the little puppies too - LOL.


Good for William on the diet issues - that is major, Ruth, as you know. Plus improvement in his BP. Good all around.


Keep well and do check in when you have time. Debbie

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