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The US Is Still Losing Military Personnel In Afghanistan



You know when we look at ourselves whom have survived a stroke or strokes I feel so sad to hear the news of more military personnel still dying overseas and even some that were in a hospital that somehow was bombed and many died... When will this war finally end???? Now Russia has joined in the bombing supposedly to fight ISIS in Afghanistan along with the US military.....


I can't see why so many American women and men are trying to go join ISIS fighters to kill our men and women in uniform.... I guess I'll never understand the logic behind them wanting to aide another group of terrorist against the US military personnel in a foreign land....


Can anyone please explain this to me????? We have a national cemetery here at Fort Hood Texas and there are funerals daily of military personnel being buried there that lost their lives overseas in a war zone for many, many years now......


When will this situation come to an end for our military personnel and civilians serving in foreign countries war zones??????


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Hi Fred, good question. To me wars solve nothing.  my brother in-law is Army. Wewent to visit him, and he took us where on the base was a garden for who have been killed from the base. I cried, young people lost they lives for what?   Why are young people leaving America and in England to join a group that has sworen to kill us all?  what is going on?  Russia is just taking advanage of what is happening.  Never should have gone to the Middle East! 


Pray that is what I do!



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It is sad that people are still ding in foreign wars but it has always been so.  I pray for the lost, the wounded and the survivors, I am sure you do too.

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Hi Fred.  Thought you would like to know I am still around and doing well.  I don't know the answer to your question about Afghanistan, but I do think our troops should be brought home to be prepared to defend us here.  



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I have to agree with you and pray is what I do day and night for all those troops still in harms way on foreign lands... The hardest part for me is attending all the funerals I can knowing God has blessed me to still be here on earth at this military base after a very hard stroke while home alone....




I agree with you my dear, it is very sad and the hardest thing was our Army firing on the hospital there killing men women and children while the building burned down with the lives of all those sick and wounded military people....


Vi, (Mema) my friend, I have forgotten what state you live in but I think Nebraska or you moved to Florida?? Where are you??


Where have you been??? I think about you often and have said Oh well I hope she is still around just not on the site here any more.... I retired because I didn't want to make another trip to a foreign country to fight a war and perhaps lose my life.... I take this stroke as God's way of protecting me and not ready for me yet...


This marriage has been the best I had in four tries since 1960 and I was shot up in Vietnam (ambushed) but didn't lose my life.... 

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