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Too Much Medication



I usually pay attention to what meds they give me, but the time I did not, they msde a mistake. I know my med schedule changes,but I figured that the nurse that made the change would get it right.


I first noticed I felt ultra drowsie. Roomie called out to me and I jerked awake and she told me I was leaning over toward the metal safety bar and did not want me to hit my head. Wow,I was sitting up on the bed,at my table, and I continued to nod off. I was afraid I would fall off the bed so I sat back. I felt really funny. I called for the nurse and asked her if she had given me a methadone pill at breakfast because she gave me a med cup full of morning pills and hurried off. I gulped them down. That pill looks like others and she had not said what was in the cup like nurses usually do or stand making sure they are taken. I reminded her that the schedule changed and I took it earlier in the morning. I told her I felt really groggy. That nurse told me she gave me whatever came up on the computer and said it was anxiety and to relax. I said I am nodding off unconscious nearly falling off the bed and could she please check and see if it came on the computer. She said she was really busy and she would do it later. I said well get the supervisor nurse because I feel something is very wrong. My CNA came in and we laughed because he teased me about wanting to be even more sedated and he went off to get me a second cup of coffee I asked for. The nurse went to check the computer after I said I needed to tell my doctor and speak to supervisor I felt odd because I was a stroke patient. She returned with the verdict I expected. She admitted to me that she had not checked the computer and gave me the methadone from memory and missed the schedule change. She actually laughed it off saying it proved she was human. I did not laugh at that. I was feeling afraid to fall asleep and fighting the overwhelming slipping away feeling pulling me under. I asked her what to do. She said she had meds to pass out and she would come back later. I asked for a third cup of coffee,and tried to continue watching a movie. I successfully stayed awake all morning,ate lunch,and went off to bingo. Then I walked past nursing cart and she had my 2pm gabba ready and I said I wanted to skip the 2pm methadone. I told her I was not in any pain. The next nurse was there coming on the next shift and my nurse smiled saying she had overdosed me. I walked back to my room and decided to give in to a nap. I slept for 2 hours and by then I was feeling pain. I called the nurse,the new evening shift nurse, and related the story. I was surprised she knew nothing about it. But she did reveal to me that it happened to another man. She also told me that her notes said I took methadone on schedule at the 2pm dose. I said No! I demanded a supervisor. It took hours for one to come in and the story was tell the day shift supervisor. The problem was I had been in pain 4 hours before the next methadone was scheduled and I had not taken the previous dose because I still felt no pain and drowsy enough to immediately nap. But I woke up to pain. I had no other choice than to take a norco to see me through. Then I took methadone at scheduled bedtime dose.


In the early morning, I took the methadone pill. So at breakfast, I looked in the med cup carefully and told that nurse mby previous morning adventure. He assured me that it was scheduled properly and he did not know anything about my overdose. I said I wanted to speak with the supervisor. So I told my story again,and she repeatedly asked if I took a 2pm dose and I emphatically said No! I was groggy and not in pain ! I asked her if she could check what the record shows. She said she would and make sure it would be correct in the computer,talk to that nurse.


I never did find out much. I still feel too drowsy but not like that. I hate taking a norco that overlaps with a methadone. I have become a zombie. I go to pain clinic tomorrow so perhaps something can change.


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Ray was overdosed at the nursing home he was at because someone didn't sign off on giving him his meds.  He had to go to hospital as they had doubled his insulin and his heart medication.  Just stayed there six hours and back to the nursing home.  I got an apology from the manager and was told the person involved had to be off the meds trolley for a week to get some more instruction.That is what should happen.

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My wife has saved me from the medical community at least 3 times. Twice the nurses came in with a syringe and my wife asked what it was, nurse says insulin. Wife points out I'm not even vaguely diabetic so no insulin, argument ensues, wife wins when they do a finger stick and no sign of sugar issues. They did the same thing about 6 months later with the same results. Found out insulin was in my chart because I got it one time before heart surgery. Took an act of god to get it modified.


Also had a doc who wanted me to take a pill and we asked what it was...Vitamin K. Quick call to my cardiologist by the wife and he tore a strip off the hospitalist as my coumadin shouldn't be messed with if not causing a problem.


We call things like this creative incompetence.

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