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Who knew? A rhetorical question



For nearly 21 years I've lamented losing the use of my left hand due to a stroke. When I fell and broke my left hand 3 weeks ago, ending up first in a functionally limiting soft cast then a thermoplastic splint it didn't take long for me to realize, stroke or not, just how much I use that very same hand I've long thought useless. Who knew?


The lesson here -- keep using it even if you think you can't. You may surprise yourself.




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Another form of counting your blessings i guess.  Hope you heal quickly and find even more to do with your left hand. Ray was the same, used it cupped to carry things or as a weight to hold things in place.  He always said it was "useless" but really used it much more than he realised.

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My right hand has gone.  But I still use it when typing (it hits all the wronf keys and makes editing and checking a bif p[ain in the ass) but it cvomes in useful to hold and steady things...nlot that I can carry a cup of coffee or tea....that would really test it!  I haven't edit thjis comment as I wnant pplk to see what I mean abouit "hitting the mwrong keys". *LOL*

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