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The Christmas Season Is Upon All Of Us



Well dear friends, it probably doesn't feel or even look like it weather wise but the Christmas Season (December 2015) is just around the corner.... After Black Friday and of course Black Monday tomorrow the shopping season is here even if the snow and colder weather hasn't yet arrived in your town....


For many of us shopping will be off our list of things to do especially my list.... I hate trying to shop on line it's just not the same as walking into the malls and stores looking at all the things you wish you could buy for family members and our friends too.... But on the other hand our charge cards don't get over charged and big bills keep coming in the mail for months before we get out of debt....


I have never been a compulsive shopper and my wife will buy what she wants and I will give my OK and pay for it when the bill come in the mail.... With my walking slow with a quad cane like I'm doing and on my scooter it takes away my desire to go out shopping anywhere with the crowds of people in the malls and stores all over town....


I think the best shopping times are when the sales start after the big rush to buy in the stores.... That's bargain time I think as they want to sell all the things that was picked over and usually there are good bargains to be had on certain items.... So for me, my shopping is limited as the season goes on until the first of the coming New Year 2016....


Saint Nick will be visiting and leaving presents mostly for the kiddos but be careful about leaving packages at your front door that other people will come by and remove them from your door..... I pray all of our members here will enjoy a wonderful Christmas Season and our guest as well that checks in to see what Stroke-net is doing....


I thought about getting me a new vehicle since mine is 12 years old now but I let that idea go because I don't know how much longer I will be driving and hauling my scooter..... The one I got is in great shape as I keep my vehicles running and serviced all the time plus I would not trade it or get rid of it ever at my age now.....


So to all of you here is my early wish for you to have a wonderful Holiday season, be safe, and take care of the survivor in your household..... And to all our care givers be careful at home and out shopping this season, enjoy!!!!! :D


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I'm mostly done,but did all my shopping online. I miss going to the mall but using a cane and fear of falling keeps me online. I went to the stores dur ing the Christmas season and said never again.


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I did NO SHOPPING AT ALL, my wife does all our shopping for whatever she needs I don't even go with her to the commissary store on the military base for groceries.... She ask me what I need and she brings it home which is not very much at all.....

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