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Just Blogging Not Complaining



Since my last blog I been complaining about me not being able to do things like walking and doing other things for myself as good as I once was doing when I was getting PT, OT, at home and seems to me I was in better shape physically... That time is gone or the money ran out and my insurances didn't pay any more... I still got one guy from an agency to come in for one hour and help me with small things like cutting toenails putting on skin care products from the knees to my feet since my skin seems to be so dry daily.... My wife still helps me with the other areas and picking out my clothes for the days wear plus ironing if needed...


Mean while my walking is at it's lowest level since the stroke happened 11 or nearly 12 years ago now but of course my left side is still very paralyzed where I can't begin to use it like I want to do but I still ride my exercise bike in the dinning room daily to keep the rest of my body functioning as best I can.... I'm not complaining at all but I just feel so different now when I know at one time I could do more in the early going of my stroke days....


So as I stated I'm not complaining just scared of falling if I try to go back to church each Sunday with my wife.... I'm still able to drive myself anyplace I need to go it's just my walking that scares me should I fall and can't get up on my own strength...


I suppose I will never get my motorcycle license back since I'm still paralyzed on one side plus I would have to do a riding test too now I'm sure so those days are behind me even if I still had my three wheel machine I first had years ago when I first learned how to ride when I worked at the Post office in Houston.... Here soldiers are getting killed daily riding their bikes and not being careful like we all did years ago.....


Anyway as I said I'm just blogging not complaining but I would like to do more, and be better in walking like I once was doing so maybe it will get a bit better soon who knows?? I have to realize now that I have made it to 74 this past July so I am bound to be slower since no one stays young and flexible forever....


My wife has been such a wonderful woman, wife, and caregiver until I know I couldn't have made it this far without her by my side.... She is still holding down her full time job at the bank as a supervisor of the drive in bank branch downtown which she loves to do and has been in banking for many, many years now....


So no complaints as I stated but just would love to do more walking and getting around like I once did everyday without a worry about falling and knowing I can't get back up on my own strength..... I will continue to be careful more next time.... :D :Doh:


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Fred, you're not complaining!  You're not the complaining type.  We want to be your cheerleaders but only you know how far you should push. 


I think you are doing great, it's hard once you stop working and socializing to have that extra oomph.  Here's hoping you're just still recovering from your last set back and that's all it is, it takes SO long to recover the older you get. But that doesn't mean it won't happen!

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Yes,it will be so great when you get your strength back from that vacation fall. Riding the bike will pay off.


Better safe until you feel stronger. Perhaps visitors can come to in the meantime. I know you are so missed.

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its good to hear from you my friend.  I understand about the being able to do less now than we were able to do a year ago or so.  I am not where you are yet but will probably get there and when I do I hope I can have some of your most positive attitude.


do take care



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Thanks, thanks to each one of you for your kind comments, yes, it's a bit of a struggle and adjustment I have to make or I am making fast as possible to get back to where I once was years ago on board.... So bear with me not posting I shall return fully real soon!!!!!!


I will hang on in there and not lose my grip...... 

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I could have written your post from the total left side paresis to the 12years post. I don't know if my biggest fear is falling or snapping my ankle we will continue to take it one day at a time.

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I tell you it's hard being a survivor or even the care giver of any stroke survivor because a stroke is almost in my opinion a active life ending affair in so many ways..... I am the only one from a family of 4 girls and 8 boys to have had a stroke and we were all very hard workers and farmers.... I knew nothing about strokes...


Just continue to take care and you will be alright not hurting your ankle or falling....

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Fred, first happy holidays and a merry Christmas to you and yours. Secondly, being a stroke surviver and getting older is not for sissies as you know. When I feel sad because of my plight, I try to think of all the things that have gone well for me and realize there is always someone worse off than me. A quick trip to the VA always proves that. Venting though is a good thing, getting the stuff out of your head helps. :)

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