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Oxycodone and a Bagel



While I have been in hospital room, I was given Oxycodone. The first one was a 10 and it knocked me out. That combined with IV lasix and I wet all over. Since they are doing 24 hr urine collection for kidney check plus it was way too strong,the doc ordered 2.5 and 5. Big difference. 2.5 was too little. So they gave me 5. And this little Goldilocks said This One Is Just Right and she fell fast asleep. And hey this drug works very nicely for pain. I am up refreshed having my morning tea. And dry.

The tv is high on wall close to ceiling. Looking up brings on double vision. So I use cell phone.


Omg I had a bagel and cream cheese yesterday!!!!!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡! I have never had one at the home. I think it healed me.


I am on salt restricted diet but I still think the food is tastier here. I had rosemary chicken,carrots,and a piece of lemon poppy seed cake. The chicken was real.


Well the oxy is hitting so I will nap now.I am getting more antibiotics IV. I am getting checked out for kidney function to figure out why this swelling. Edema can lead to infection they said so this needs to be addresses. Dear god if a leg has to go,why risk the painfree one? Wait..I am suddenly very thankful for the pain that enables me to stand and walk.


A priest came yesterday,annointed and absolved me,gave me a rosary. Ever since I have felt a real peace and inexplicable joy. He had an accent and blue eyes that made him seem angelic.

I also have been cared for ny an exceptional kind nurse team. I am greatful beyond words. I have slept in a trusting peace. I am amazed there is laughter and Caring here now. When my rx was not in for gabba ,the nurse called on her phone to the doc in front of me even saying I was crying so need to do quickly. Or did I dream that.

Caring staff,good care,good food. It can happen.


Please pray for my healing of body because I am thankful for peaceful spirit. I share this peace to you all in my prayers.


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My prayers went up so I know they came to your bedside for your healing and the caring you display goes a long way with lots of spirit inside, God Bless.... Oh, I take that same med sometimes but for my pain when it gets hard for me to rest or sleep..... They told me I could use it at my age of 74 with no problems what so ever.....

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