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I Watched The Storm



I asked to transfer rooms. I visit a friend and she wants me as a roommate. We are bingo buddies. There was a roommate here and she went to hospital,returned to the room next door. I was told that I was not a match with that occupant. I sit at a table with her all the time. Besides...my current roommate is not my kindred spirit. So my BF here Had an empty bed and they gave it to someone else. We had both requested it,the bed was on a hold but the woman went to another bed so that bed could have been given to a resident wanting to change rooms. Me. But the social services handles it said the executive director.Admissions said ask social services.

So I continued to visit my friend. Then staff kept coming in and asking if I had moved. I never was in the bed,no belongings,all my stuff still in my room. Admission woman was mad at me for moving in and said it was not my room. I said I was sleeping in my bed and witnesses like the nurse who brought me pain medicine in the middle of the night could vouch for me. But the rumor spread.

Then roomie went nuts when I fell asleep with my bed light on.usually a cna will turn it off. Roomie told a cna that I told her that I was going to leave my light on to keep her up all night. The cna walked out so I was silent. But she does passive aggressive stuff. And another time,I walked in the room and my pillows were gone. She told some cna to take my extra pillows away I guess. It is just impossible for me in the room.


Ironically, she has complained to her daughter. I stay up past midnight, I get medicine first and so then the nurse forgets her,I keep my light on just to keep her from sleeping,I get wipes and should not because I do not wear diapers,I use wipes to clean my table,I am always on my phone so I eat slow and I never let them take my tray on time....and these are only the complaints she has said to me so there could be more.


Basically she is insisting that I should be relocated and so is her husband and daughter. She threatened me that son in law is a doctor so she can get what she wants. Obviously. They let her sit by tv and pee all over. Other residents are rolled around to places when they resist. But I hope her wishes help because I want same. They tried to get me to take 2 middle beds on loon lane in there and I protested that those are not match for me...but perhaps this place forces you to retreat to a happy place in your mind...so I said NO to the room. They know what they moved me to. The most undesirable room in the place without a view,farthest from dining room,and constant stink with the most verbal anxious OCD person on the planet along with a woman who is case study on self starvation because she is unable to eat and doesnt get a feeding tube. As awful as it sounds to be kept alive with feeding tube,starvation is slow and painful. Just put bullet on advance directive because starvation is murder to watch. These women are never out of the room really. I have asked to be allowed to live in a room with sunlight,conversation,hope. Anything else is abuse. How much do these things cost?

When she said her family was not happy with me, I laughed and said be careful or you might be moved. She said she will never leave.

Those words are true despite my efforts to bring life around. And I managed to become the bad guy,not a victim.again.


I felt elated watching a storm pass over so cal even if it meant some rooms in this place had a couple of inches of water in them because someone was too stupid to get sandbags for sliding glass doors that usually flood. I loved the rain and longed to open the doors and dance and twirl in the rain. Why didn't I dance more in the rain when I could?? Well perhaps holding a walker stuck in mud would do. Nothing like seeing palm bending in the wind,trees shaking, and a downpour sound on the roof. Even Earth rages once in a while.


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Pam, I don't know what to comment sometimes when I read your bog.  I just want you to know that I do read it and try to understand what is happening there.  I want to say :  "keep your spirits up" but wonder how that is possible sometimes with all you are going through.

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Thank you for what you do. It is enough. It is all I could hope for. After all,we pay big bucks for therapists to listen not fix. To know someone out there cares is all I need. I know these blogs are not useful probably to anyone else. Plus people like to read inspirational stuff not downers for some reason. No one comments.

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