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Memorial Day For The Troops



Well, I said I wasn't going to try and write a Blog but I couldn't resist writing about Memorial Day as a disabled Veteran myself and can hardly walk even with my quad cane.... Today it was so many veterans out and about doing things with their families and kids.... My two kids are all full grown and got grown kids of their own and grand kids as well....


Being here at Fort Hood, Texas, a military post with thousands of active duty troops, two hospitals, and many, many retired veterans with some working in government jobs on the base..... This is the largest military base there is and if you could see the traffic morning and evenings you would know there are many soldiers stationed right here plus all the civilians there are on the roads daily....


There has to be no less than 12 car dealerships in town and more along the roads leading in to the base from surrounding towns... Some of them has five different cars they sell in one location not counting Motorcycles and water crafts.... The easiest thing to buy here is a car for any soldier or a veteran with very little money or no money down in many cases... I'm tempted to buy another vehicle since mine is 12 years old but I keep telling myself I don't need a new car at my age....


We have many Agencies that offer in home care for people like myself and there are facilities you go to for therapy and they are all full all the time.... Many veterans use scooters and some are still on active duty not retired yet.... The thing is so many soldiers were wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan and are just hanging on until they get their disability pay started then they will retire buy a new car and a house...


I'm so thankful we were able to pay our home off because I just don't know how much longer I can last with one side paralyzed leaving me with one hand to use.... I want to start back going to church but that is hard for me to get about on my own in my present condition.... Maybe when this in home care session has ended I can make my decision to go back to church....


So tomorrow is Monday, Memorial Day, pray for all our troops, God knows we have lost many and so many are wounded warriors like myself that can't do a whole lot for ourselves..... I'm not complaining I volunteered for the military (Army) in 1958 right out of high school to make some good money to help provide for my mom as we were struggling to have food and a good roof over our head.... Times were very hard and I was the last child at home while my mom got a little check each month for nine dollars from the government....


There were no jobs I could get at that time and some grown men didn't have jobs then to feed their families..... I shall never forget that time in my life.... So I have come a long way over many years and 22 years in the Army lets me know just how blessed I am to still be alive in spite of a stroke 12 years ago....


Memorial Day means a lot to me as my mom passed in 1981 at the age of 83 and here I am now 74 almost 75 in a couple more months.... :D I'm so thankful I have the wonderful wife I got now and she went to the Casino with a couple of the church ladies for time out.... Maybe she will hit the penny machine since I'm not there and she loves to play them....


I hope she will put a few dollars in a machine for me as she knows the ones I like to play..... I guess she will be back in time to be at work on Tuesday morning.....


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Thank you Sue,  yea I'm blessed I didn't lose my life for my country and my wounds are still with me but my body has healed as my mind will always remember how close I came to giving my life for my country....


Being here at the largest military base and a National Cemetery they still have funerals almost daily since the older soldiers are passing away..... I think here are five funeral homes in town and they are busy all the time.... So many soldiers have made this town their home and bought homes here years ago like I did.....


I retired from the Postal Service here in 1995 and of course from the Army in 1979 with 22 years of service to my country..... So I'm just living the life now as I get a bit older....


I'm glad the war is about over for the most part but we have to wonder about the ISSIS group now!!!!

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you remind me of the debt that I owe you for standing up for our country and being counted.  bless you my friend who has given much so  that people like me may live free.


your friend



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Yea wars are pure hell as we all know but with the world like it is and has been since the beginning of time I feel we will have many more wars coming where men and women will die fighting for their country and FREEDOM to live....


Thanks David, yea I'm at a 100% disability plus the stroke so my life is survival until my death where I will do all I can to live a good life in spite of my condition.... After all I volunteered for the military and did 22 years so I got no regrets.... 


Heck I was born in July 1941 and the war was raging at that time...... I came back alive the way I went in so I'm Ok with that since so mane didn't make it back alive.....

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You guys are all heroes. Fred you Have used your time well and so many of us have been touched by your compassionate spirit.

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So many people forget the true meaning of Memorial Day and just see it as a day off. The older I get, the more appreciative i am about all of what was given and subsequently taken to give us freedom.  Thank you  

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