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Broken Hearts



A parents worst nightmare is hearing your doorbell in the middle of the night, and having an officer inform you that your child is deceased. I'm still reeling from that nightmare - we lost our youngest son, Dan - the one who moved to AZ with us and lived with us for three years before buying his own home - I wrote the following poem to post on his fb page:


With broken hearts and teary eyes,

Those left behind are wondering why.

Though we can't understand your horrible pain,

We know in our hearts we will see you again.


You are at peace now and the pain is gone.

We will get through this, as we are not alone.

You are looking down on us from above,

And guiding us all with your unending love.


As a parent it hurts to say goodbye.

The tears will flow as I sit and cry.

Your memory lives on in those who cared,

And the recipients of the organs you shared.


Though it hurts for now, we know it will pass.

We'll be together again in Heaven at last.

So instead of goodbye, it's so long for now.

We'll go fly fishin' in Heaven, you can teach me how.


Love you and miss you!

Mom and Dad


Written for our son, Dan - 6/30/1973 - 6/22/2016

by: Sarah Rademacher 6/23/16


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OMG Sarah :


I am so sorry for your loss. you & your family will be in my thoughts & prayers. what happened? I


hugs & prayers


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More prayers from me Sarah hearing about your loss may God bless your family this day as we pray.... Sorry this happened in your family God knows your heart and soul.....

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I, along with the rest lift you and your family up in prayer. You will eventually find peace in your many memories. 



SweetMom (Donna)

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Sarah - I am so sorry for your loss. Please know you and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers. Debbie

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I am very sorry for this loss of your son. this isn't the way it should be at all but sometimes is the way it is.  my kind regards to you and your husband.



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There can be no words to describe the pain you must be in.


In time, may memories of your beloved son bring happiness to your heart.


Janelle xx

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word can't even begin to express how much my heart hurts reading this as yours was while writing that.  I'm terribly sorry 

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Sarah, I'm so sorry that you have to go through this pain. I was the chapter leader for a support group for bereaved parents, called "The Compassionate Friends". I know you're not interested now, but, when you are, check them out. They're a lot like Strokenet- have no religious affiliation, composed of other parents who have lost children.- who know best what you're going thru..They have chapters throughout US, and abroad, too,think  I honestly don't think I would've survived losing my daughter iit weren't for them.PM me any time about this or anything else.Again, my condoleces, and prayers.   Becky.  

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Someday there will be peace without understanding.

Someday love will arise from pages of words.

Someday comfort will just wander in uninvited.

Someday memory restores that little boy that time took long before death.

Someday I will not look for someday.

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I'm just reading this for the first time.   You have my sympathy, and my heart breaks for you.   Sending all my prayers to your family.

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