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Still Alive But Not In Therapy



They dropped me from therapy so I'm home daily but making all my appointments with my heart doctor and doing the very best I can on my own accord.... I exercise at home daily and doing pretty good I think after all it has been 12 years at this point in my life so I'm OK with life as I live it.... My left side is still paralyzed my walking is not good but I'm not complaining..... It's just the way life is and I'm alright with everything.....


I'm waiting to hit the Lottery or go back to work at Walmart as a greeter as the manager ask me every time he see me to come back I just haven't made up my mind if I should or not as there are no strings attached..... Nothing to gain nor lose either way..... I guess I would be more active in my body functions maybe.... I really could use the extra income for a while...... I'm not getting any younger..... :D :roflmao:


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Fred :


grab the opportunity & work as walmart greeter, if it involves no major work then getting out of house & meeting new people every day will bring joy in your life back. We all need something to look forward to in the morning. So go for it.



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Fred, why not take the job if you think you are up to it? It might just be the thing to get you re-engaged in life  I know sitting alone at home can never get you what you want, there has to be a stimulus, so try and see if this is a way of feeling better.  You will be back on the praying edge of life too and that could be a good thing.

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Fred, i agree with everyone , what do you have to lost? lots to gain. get out the house, meet different people , have a laugh which is good for your soul. plus you feel part of your communtiy.  I go and help out at the local School, I listen to third graders reading. I love it, I always think , it maybe helping these kids, but it is doing wonders for me. 


Go for it Fred, it do you wonders.



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Thanks you all, I just can't get the feeling in my body and my head to see if I want to try working again in a Walmart store.... Being around people daily would be great I'm sure I just don't know at the moment if my body would hold up doing a 40 hour week every week??? I think I need to give myself more time to really think about working again..... Then again like Sue says I just don't know if my body is up to the task of working again at my current age.....


Being a disabled veteran I fit the job requirements for sure and there is no restrictions on what I can make money wise....... I shall give it a bit more thought to see if I should or not..... I enjoyed being an employee getting all the discounts they give you!!!!

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Well today I am off to the VA for my appointment with my doctor and my wife is going with me and I hope I get back home around noon.... It takes so much time to be at the Va until I hate these appointments.... but when I gotta go that's what I do..... This flu like symptoms I got I need to see what is going on as I had my flu shot months ago....... I bet I have used a couple boxes of tissues in the last few weeks blowing my nose......


See ya later!!!!!!

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